To donate all her hair to cancer? Discuss.
What do you think would happen if a SISTER shaved her head?
by keep 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thats a good question. (bookmarking)
The another question is would it be okay for a sister to shave her head regularly?
A very interesting question. I can't imagine any goodwill towards her decision from the BOE at least. I would imagine that most of the Elders I've known would be extremely put-off by it because the independent thinking would upset there little private kingdoms.
Is it for a relative or for another JW? If so, it's okay. If not, then she is getting involved in the affairs of the world.
Ha, I was told by elders not to call into radio shows to give opinions on community topics because it's getting involved in the affairs of the world. I was told by them not to volunteer at charitable organization (even I was getting my time as a regular pioneer) because it's getting involved in the things of the world.
Shave your head to help a non-JW, nope, they not having it. You will be marked and shunned until your hair grows back to its original length.
But she will really be shunned because most of the JWs will think she's lying and is a closet lesbian.
I remember at one time the NWT version of the bible contained two separate lines of text (one in each column) at the top of the page that went something like this:
| all things are lawful but | a woman with a shaved head |
I know Ive seen it, but haven't been able to find the translation that has the correct pagination.
Found Sheep
well I did the shave not to give my hair but to support a Great Friend of mine that had cancer for the third time. I know as a JW I would have been called into the back room. As a non JW got most and lots of love and support
If a JW woman shaved her head, she would, in theory, then be allowed to pray in the presence of male JWs without a head covering. (1 Corinthians 11:5-6) I highly doubt they would follow through though.
Bear in mind also that the scripture does not say there is anything wrong with a woman shaving her head, apart from an allusion to the supposedly nullified Jewish law code.
It's also worth nothing verse 8, which states in the NWT: "For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man;". In this verse, the word translated "out of" literally means "belong to".
j dubb
I think the elders would wonder if she would ever take advantage of a sexually immature species.