Mental Illness & Suicide In the Organization

by What Now? 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    This topic has been discussed before … I just wanted to put my two cents in.

    I will start off by saying that of course mental illness exists outside of the organization. I know that mental illness can arise from a variety of issues such as genetics, chemical imbalances, emotional trauma etc. However, I have seen more mental illness and suicide in the organization than I ever have outside of it – which does not jive with their claim that JW’s are the happiest people on earth. I have begun to wonder whether the organization creates mental illness where it otherwise would not exist, or at least makes it worse than it would otherwise be. I have a few experiences to share that I think illustrate this.

    In the past two years, my husband and I have been to the funerals of three friends that have committed suicide. All three came as a complete and sudden shock.

    The first was a young man in his early twenties. He was raised by a single mom. His two older sisters studied but never got baptized. A brother in our hall began to study with him, but he often made it known that he would look at his sister’s lives and they were happy – without the religion, so he didn’t know why he should bother. He also believed in evolution. He eventually got involved in some wrongdoing and was removed as a publisher. He became a “marked” individual in the congregation, and people would not hang around him as much. This guy had showed no hint of mental illness prior to his suicide. Even looking back, no one can even recall hints that something was wrong.

    The second was the wife of an elder in her late forties. We’re talking a couple that was a pillar in the congregation. They moved away to the country to a property that allowed for the brother to set up his business at home. It was a move that was supposed to help them simplify their lives, allowing them to devote more time to the ministry, but the sister made the comment to someone that they ended up making their lives more complicated and were working harder than before. This made her feel guilty. One morning she made her and her husband a nice breakfast, excused herself and then took her life. She left no note, nothing.

    The last was a younger guy in his mid twenties. He had been disfellowshipped and shunned by his family for a time. He was reinstated eventually and got married young. The marriage fell apart quickly. Again, this is a guy who is remembered as being outgoing and energetic , who loved life and travel, and was extremely genuine and helpful. His death was extremely shocking.

    Now I’m not saying that the organization is 100% to blame. We’ll never know what goes on in someone’s head before they take their own life. And sometimes people are able to keep serious mentail illness hidden from even their close friends and family. But in all three of these examples – the religion is a constant – the first brother had privileges removed for wrongdoing and never really believed the doctrine but for his mothers sake kept up appearances, the sister felt overwhelmed and guilty over not being able to do more in the ministry, and the last had felt the pain and humiliation of disfellowshipping and shunning.

    I know of SO many in the organization suffering from depression and other forms of mental illness. I myself have gone through periods of depression and my own sister was suicidal for a time. Is it just me, or does this religion seriously screw people up?!

    When I talk about these experiences with close friends … ALL of them say the same thing: “This system is getting so tough”. But I feel like saying “NO. It’s NOT this system. It’s this religion. It’s making life SO much harder than it has to be!”

    What do you guys think?

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Not to make light of anyone's troubles but I would like to send a message to all dubs and say, "there's a reason why you're not happy, think about it; what/who constantly tells you your not good enough, causes problems, monopolizes your time and leaves you feeling mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted? If you believe what the bible really says then you shouldn't be miserable, and I guarantee if you really honestly think about the above question(s) you will find that you, your family, your children, your job nor your home or possessions are the problem."

    I know it wouldn't sink in with a large percentage, but it would flip a switch for a few.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I feel the most reckless part of this, is that the very same organization that drives u batshit crazy, is also the same organization that discourages outside help, and offers none of it's own assistance, other than a WT article, because they're magical

  • Bobcat

    Wha happened:

    I can second your point. I know of a former MS whose 9 yr old son tried to hang himself. He has made other attempts on his life. He has been diagnosed and is under treatment, but he is worse some times more than others. (Imagine a 9 yr old who could feel the need to do that!)

    At any rate, the father tried to get the elders in his cong. to make a shepherding call on his family. When it didn't happen, he approached the CO about it. The response: 'Shepherds don't shepherd shepherds.' The father eventually decided to resign as an MS to get the attention he felt his family needed.

  • baltar447

    Let's not forget the legitimate possibility that these individuals were on anti-depressants that suicide is one of the side effects. Of course then, you have the possibility that they may have only needed those because of the cult in the first place.

  • blindnomore

    How sad what this orgarnization is doing to real people.

    Bipolar disorder, panic attack, depression, nervous breakdown, phobia, paranoia, split personality, schizophrenia,..... Significant numbers of my former KH are suffering with one or more of these mental illness. We had 2 people committed suicide. My own immidiate family committed suicide over disfellowshipping hearing....

    The Biggest Watchtower's lie is blaming on the System, Government, and Satan on issues they themselves have brought on to their followers.

    Once I was accused by a fellow JW of trunning her husband to the Government Agency for treason. I was investigated by the BOE for being a Govenment Spy. I still have no idea what was that bulls**t all about. One thing I know is that both she and CoBOE have been suffering with an advanced case of paranoia.

  • IsaacJ22

    Being unhappy is what finally made me leave. I was driving home one night and somehow the block fell apart. I decided that very night I was done.

  • Quendi

    The best friend I ever had and who was the love of my life committed suicide in 1986. Tom suffered from bi-polar disorder and had abused alcohol and drugs in his teen years. He became a Witness when he was eighteen, married at twenty-two, and then took his life when he was thirty-two.

    The organization did nothing to help but instead only made him even more unhappy. First it piled on responsibilities he wasn't ready for. Then it humiliated him by deleting him as a minsterial servant. When his marriage started to fall apart, the elders did not direct him to get the professional counseling he badly needed.

    His suicide devastated me and I grieved for more than twenty years, unable and unwilling to accept his death. I finally came to grips with it thanks to the help of another man who carefully and lovingly guided me on the path to recovery. I learned how to let go, to bury my friend at last, to not let him haunt me anymore but to rest in peace. I understand that ultimately Tom made his own choices, but this religion contributed to his death as sure as the sun rises in the east.

    I barely escaped Tom's fate but that was because I made better decisions than he did. I sought professional help. I expanded my horizons and found a life outside the organization, particularly when I first went online with the Internet and later returned to college to complete my education. Finally, I accepted my identity as a gay man, an acceptance that ended the turmoil and civil war that had been going on inside me my entire adult life. All of these steps were taken without and despite the WTS. This organization is the very antithesis of good mental health. Its tenets and practices have ruined countless lives despite its claims to the contrary and I hope and wish with all my heart that it will meet the end it so richly deserves.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The response: 'Shepherds don't shepherd shepherds.'

    Then what's the fuckin point of a CO visit?

  • baltar447

    amem, wh

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