As most have stated you have written many of our stories. I don't know if you read the thread - When to Diassociate yourself? I say since you have so much invested (your family). Say as little as possible, just listen to what they have to say and NEVER put anything that could be used against you in WRITING. I don't suggest lying at all, because it's your integrity you are jeapardizing, but I would not volunteer anything that they consider wrong.
And also, welcome, and I know you will find great comfort in this site.
I have to agree with those who have suggested keeping a low profile. You are under no obligation to divulge anything to the elders.
After my husband was disfellowshipped....after years of seesawing inactivity.....I just stopped going. I didn't feel under any obligation to abide by their rules to officially disassociate, and I didn't bother to tell them anything for which they could disfellowship me. Turns out, they didn't care....I guess I wasn't considered a threat.
I was able to retain my relationship with my Mom until her death, and we just eventually didn't speak of anything in reference to the JW's when we got together.
I would suggest that if the elders come knocking, you just tell them you need to take a break from things and you would appreciate it if they did not call on you.