Hi everyone
I mentioned on a recent thread by irondork that my wife recently showed me a handwritten list of grievances I had against the Society from BEFORE I had ever visited a single apostate website (apart from Wikipedia). The thread is below:
I wrote the list just over two years ago, approximately 12 months before my decision to become inactive and start investigating JW-related matters even further.
One poster has asked if it is possible to see the list, so I thought I would replicate it as a thread for discussion.
Here are the nine grievances I had as an indoctrinated dub prior to my awakening (I've added the odd word here or there to make it read better!):
- It's wrong to claim that the increase in publisher numbers is evidence of Holy Spirit. What about the millions who follow Catholicism or Islam?
- The majority of prophectic interpretations revolve around 1919 and the activities, preaching or persecution of JWs in the 20th Century (especially the leadership). I believe that these prophetic interpretations are made to the extent that bible prophecies attributed to the 20th Century JWs possibly outweigh the number of bible prophecies foretelling the Messiah in the Hebrew scriptures. I will need to check [I never did!]. Would Russell, Rutherford and their associates be more important than Christ?
- The view of masturbation as being any kind of sin (i.e. a "secret sin") is completely unscriptural. No bible verses talk about touching your own genitals. It's a pharasaic "hedge" doctrine.
- Evolution COULD have been used by Jehovah to create. There is no scriptural reason why not. For example, take plate tectonics. Amos 4:13 refers to Jehovah as the "former of the mountains" but mountains are constantly being formed, so creation is an ongoing process - that is scientifically proven.
- The prophecy of the King of the North and the King of the South - the interpretation is WRONG. How can Ancient Rome 'become' Hitler's Third Reich in one prophecy, but 'become' Anglo-America in others? The Bible wouldn't be inconsistent.
- The Faithful and Discreet Slave is obsessed with discouraging further education - i.e. the foreword to the 2010 Examining the Scriptures Daily implies that money is the only motivation for higher learning, and NOT greater knowledge. The Faithful Slave are afraid of us knowing too much. It's also hypocritical to use quotes from scholars/professors but dissuade people from becoming them.
- The "light getting brighter" is used to explain errors/regressions by the Faithful Slave. If the Faithful Slave really have Holy Spirit deep in the last days, then nothing they have to say will be wrong or unscriptural. If there are errors (which there are) this means the Slave Class has been temporarily given FALSE information by the Holy Spirit, which would never happen. Implying that it could is itself a grievance of the Holy Spirit.
- The Governing Body claims to "represent" the Faithful and Discreet Slave. However, as Wikipedia observes, they don't communicate with any other "anointed" ones regarding their teachings/doctrines, so how can they be said to represent such ones?
- The numbers of anointed/memorial partakers has suspiciously been "suspended" over the last few decades (i.e. at a constant 7 or 8 thousand). Could the Faithful Slave Class be masking almost non-existent numbers in order to "delay" Armageddon?
That last point, point 9, has obviously been proven to be wrong since I wrote it. The numbers have sky-rocketed over the past two years since the Society abandoned 1935 as having any significance in the gathering of anointed ones. However, two years ago I suspected that the memorial partaker numbers MUST have been tampered with for them to hover at such a constant level of 8 thousands or so. Obviously, as things stand at the moment, the Governing Body likely wishes they would decrease if anything!
Point 2, about my suspicion that the number of prophetic scriptures in the bible that the Governing Body attributes to the early Witnesses outweighs the number of scriptures attributed to the Messiah has never been taken further. It may be that there is something there, but I never looked into it in any more depth. It would certainly be interesting if the total number of words in scriptures supposedly foretelling the "Slave Class" outnumbered those foretelling the master.
Point 4 about evolution does not necessarily represent my current beliefs as regards the origins of the universe. If anything, I am agnostic at this precise moment, with a leaning towards the universe having an intelligent beginning. However, my point was that SCRIPTURALLY there is nothing in the bible that would prohibit God from using evolution as a "tool" to accomplish his creative purpose. To denounce evolution may in fact be disrespecting a facet of God's creation. Those were my thoughts back then, and still very much are now - although I'm slightly more confused about things at the present time!
Point 5 may have been superceded somewhat since the "new light" at last year's convention re. the image. I noticed that whereas the Daniel book has the Anglo American "world power" beginning at the calfs, the convention leaflet pointed to the feet (or iron mixed with clay). My point back then was that the iron in the statue's legs was said to be BOTH Rome AND Anglo America, so how could Rome become Nazi Germany (an opponent of Anglo-America) in another prophecy from the very same bible book? Clearly the Society didn't think that one through properly when they were writing the Daniel book.
Point 7 (about increasing light) is interesting for me to look back on. I wrote it before my "breakthrough" moment in which I looked up each and every verse used by the Society to support increasing light and discovered that NONE of them agreed with the concept as it is explained in the literature. This led to my arriving at the "makeweight" scenario as explained in another post.
Obviously, after I started doing more research online, I discovered that the above 9 "grievances" were just the tip of a very large iceberg! When I wrote the above list I was completely clueless about Mexico/Malawi and the UN scandal. I didn't even know that there was nothing wrong with blood transfusions! I've certainly come a long way since then.
Anyway, I hope you all find the above interesting! I would certainly be interested in your comments.
(As always, if you haven't already taken part in the 2012 JW Survey, please do so!)