Why Did Watchtower Leaders Think Organ Transplants Were Evil?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The light is suppose to be progressive, moving us two steps forward, and hopefully none back. Jehovah does not test us, or try to trip us up with strange un-biblical teachings. I can remember how the merits of avoiding blood, were in full swing during the heavy metal big haired days of the 1980s.

    We were told how lucky we were, that we would not be contracting "HIV-AIDS", "HEP-C" some other rare blood disorders, this made us look like we were ahead of the paradigm, this even made sense and we felt good about it. Now what about those "organ transplants" our brothers in the wild 1960s were told were bad? Reasoning leaders of the Organization thought, how could this not be a form of canabilism?

    Who decided this was no longer bad, and it was neutral and now good? Was there a prayer group like Acts 15 speaks of, and all the higher level brothers prayed with their might, and this new light came forward "All the brothers in New York and the Holy Spirit have concluded, transplants are ok, just abstain from blood and you will prosper! Good health to you witnesses!"

    Who was watching over the "watchers" while we were asleep?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Jehovah changed his mind .... and it is not your place to question that.

  • blondie

    BTW, the human body does not consume the organ, or replace the cells with the cells of the organ receiver. That is why people who have received organs have to take medication to prevent rejection the whole time. I talked to a surgeon in my area that heads up the transplant area in a big university hospital, and he was stunned at the ignorance of jws. He asked me if any jws had lost their lives during the period 1967 to 1980 when transplants were proscribed. I did know of 2 locally that died refusing a transplant. One man's family left when the WTS changed their policy in 1980 moving out of the area.

    In last week's study article the WTS said that even if you don't agree with their policies, you should obey them...so 32 years later jws should not be mad they obeyed and it changed.

  • sacolton

    The Watchtower doesn't want you to spend money on yourself to get well. They want you to donate that money to them! Every penny!

  • yknot

    Because it was 'new' once..... 'new' is always immediately 'evil'.

    Our history of medical quackery (ala Clayton Woodworth editor of the Golden Age (now Awake!)) is astounding and it still lives on in remnants especially in old-time families or smaller communities with old-time ties...... which means I have Sisters in my Hall who refuse tetanus shots due to them being a serum (MOCd Sept 1958)!

    Knorr/Franz brought us blood and transplants because most of the other quackery was curtailed by federal (USA) regulation during the latter part of Rutherford's reign or when the US Govt came a knocking about sending Gileads Grads beyond US borders without mandatory vaccinations.

    Such divisions cause JWs to view things as matters of loyalty and dedication further deepening their allegieance to the Org vs 'the world'.

    Today's loyalty/dedication division pushing buttons are mainly Blood and Education but of course this DC season we have 'Sparlock' and a renewed call to stamp out all things 'magical'.....grrrrr this really is the 80s part deux!

    The good news is that organ regeneration is available limitedly today and will be more so in the future.....thus removing rejection issues and improving lives of millions!!!!!

    Until further notice..... the world is a horrible place, doctors and scientist should be looked upon as possible nutjobs who are looking to appoint themselves as 'God', doom is impending, all is wrong, these are difficult times (beyond the economy), only those aligned with the Org might be saved, the end is nigh, living in the last days, end is just around the corner, the beatings will continue and blah blah blah blah


  • Bobcat

    Blondie said:

    "BTW, the human body does not ... replace the cells with the cells of the organ receiver."

    Please forgive my ignorance on this subject, but how would cells in a donated organ be replaced (or are they)?, seeing how it has been cut off from the original owner.

    Thanks, and Take Care

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I beleive the WT called transplants, canabalism. They still ride that line with blood transfusions. It's all horse shit

  • wasblind

    Anyone refusing a child life saving treatment would be accused of child neglect, abuse and endangerment

    and could be Jailed, the only thing that saves the JW's from prosecution is to make a claim under " Religion "

    Superman could have fooled us better under the cloak of religion, instead of dressed as Clark Kent

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Because they don't use facts nor examine evidence, nope, they just say it ain't good and continue being ignorant f**cks; they don't care if you or anyone else is hurt and/or dies because of it either.

    They’re against whatever the "world" uses/discovers or what’s popular at the time; did you ever notice that when something loses worldly popularity it magically becomes acceptable in witless land?

  • dozy

    This was one of the most idiotic policies of the WTBTS. The current blood transfusion ban is really the final vestige of the medical ignorance of this time , retained because ( as one JW high-up in the JW medical establishment told me ) it would stumble too many JWs & too many lives had been lost to make it a conscience matter.

    The following experience ( from a 1969 Watchtower ) is particularly sad - relating a teenage JW who refused to allow his healthy kidney that was being removed to be given to a young patient. The expressions " God's law" , "biblical standard" etc are used several times to justify the stand - in reality , this was the "WTBTS laws & standards" as the policy was scrapped a decade later.


    The day before surgery was due the chairman of the kidney transplant team came in and asked if I would agree to making the kidney I was relinquishing available to a young patient whose kidneys had failed. It appears that though the artery leading to my kidney was not functioning, the kidney itself was in good shape. The doctor was keen to have my kidney, but I explained to him that as one of Jehovah’s witnesses I must abide by what God’s law indicates in such a matter. I told him he would get a frank and thorough answer to his inquiry after we had had a family discussion of God’s Word on the issue.

    Later that day we informed him of our Biblical position with respect to human flesh and its use and quoted the relevant passages of God’s Word. He asked if I could retain a good conscience after denying my kidney to his young patient. In reply I pointed out that my kidney was not mine to give, and must be used in harmony with the will of the One who created it. And he was compelled to admit that even with the kidney he could not guarantee the survival of his patient. I pointed out that future life through the promised resurrection for myself and his young patient depended upon our obedience to God’s principles as set out in the Holy Scriptures

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