When I went to the elders to say why I was leaving the religion, I told them of everything I had come to know... The UN scandal, the rand cam scandal.
I could tell they had been briefed on these issues due to their lack of response when I described them..... Their first retort was that Jehovah was using me to clean his organisation.....
One hour later.......
I also had deep theological questions aboutn following the spiritual guidance of people who admit themselves are not spirit inspired and have made errors in such a manner that they agreed I had on occasion taught false teachings, due to agreeing with this 'governing body'. I asked them "is it not better for me to read the bible, interpret its intention and then face god for my decisions, rather than get to the day of judgement and say I can't explain why I did x or y, I was ..lust following orders'" after they churned that over I asked for confirmation that the governing body had no special ability in interpreting scripture....same as everyone else. They agreed. I asked how the society could gamble with donated money on the stockmarket? I was told the brothers were using Satans money to further Jehovah's work..... I asked if they really thought god needed Satans money and whether deep down that sounded right to them?
I was asked politely to not attend the meetings anymore whilst I felt like this and then sneekily removed as best man from an up coming wedding. So ended my work for the Watchtower book company.
The craziest answer I ever got as a JW...."jehovah is using you to clean the organisation"... They didn't believe it themselves. I had stopped going years before. From hero of the organisation to evil slave in one hour.