9/15/12 Watchtower: JW Conventions have been held for thousands of years! LOL

by yourmomma 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • processor

    Unfortunately it's translated differently in the German version. It reads "holy gatherings" instead of "holy conventions"...

  • mP

    so when was the first covnetion ? moses and the ten commandments or what !?

  • carla

    oh for goodness sakes! what next?! (those weren't my first words out of my mouth but keeping with the rules of the board......)

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The first convention was Cain and Abel....

  • blondie

    mP, the WTS interprets the 3 yearly festivals the Israelites attended were equivalent to the 3 large gatherings the WTS has, circuit assembly, special day assembly, district convention.

    Festival of Booths

    Festival of Ingathering

    Festival of Weeks

  • JakeM2012

    Adam and Eve met at a district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses while doing missionary work. Later they became weak and sinned.

  • JakeM2012

    Oh, forgive me, they met at the branch; Eve was on tour, and then they both went to a District Convention. Adam had to take a day of vacation from paradise.

  • WTWizard

    Well, if one views the witlesses as a Jewish rather than a Christian religion, it might be partially true. After all, they do abide more by the Old Testament of the LIE-ble than the New Testament. Also, they emphasize works rather than faith.

    Additionally, many witlesses act the more despicable aspects that demand mock-Jewish codes. The dingbat that dragged me into the cancer, a Gentile by race and religion (supposedly), tried to emulate the Old Testament Jehovah with his stupid codes. He stipulated what brand and type, and size, of products I was supposed to use (and most of them were pure crap). He wanted my hair cut just so, for me to use specific field circus supplies, to get my suits dry cleaned at a specific place and at specified intervals, and so on. One would think he was Moses and that I was one of the Israelites--and that is deplorable on his part.

    However, in their present form, no they have only been held fairly recently. And even if you believe the LIE-ble at all, most of the modern a$$emblies are mere shuffling of information. They were actually discussing new material at the assemblies back in the LIE-ble, some of which ended up in the LIE-ble. Does anyone think anything in today's a$$emblies is going to end up in the LIE-ble?

  • JakeM2012

    "Does anyone think anything in today's a$$emblies is going to end up in the LIE -ble?"

    They are expecting new scrolls to be written imminently. Stay tuned. :D

  • Lurker555

    It's for the money.

    At a recent CA it was announced that expenses were 10,300.

    The average attendance was about 1200.

    10,300 / 1200 is about 8.5. More accurately 8.5833333

    I could only figure toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper towels, electricity, maybe a small mortgage payment, insurance, and water.

    I have a hard time believing in 2 days these things accumulated to 10,300 dollars.

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