it took me a long time to write this....i'm being brutally honest...i am still a reg pioneer...Three sundays ago,i was praying and asking God for a sign or something because i was so confused...i told him exactly what i needed to see for me to believe.I was feeling terrible--crying and feeling sick because i was so confused.Ten minutes after, i walked into the kingdom hall and to my surprise--my prayer was answered! i soooo wasn't expecting it, even though i prayed. So this is where Almighty God wants me to be,ii've reasoned. Everything is NOT perfect and we need to worship with our power of reason. But it's OBVIOUS that Jehovah is blessing the preaching work...the bible makes it clear that there will be a faithful slave in the time of the end to give food and that we need to worship with other believers----we have examined other religions---they are not doing these things! Jw's are the best of the's not perfect but when God has to reward those who preached and did good,i'm sure jw's wont be left out...the question that keeps on playing over in my mind is---if we never get answers to our questions (most likely we wont) and if it is evident that there are some wrongs in the jw's (we all know that there are)----will YOU never preach about Jehovah again? Is that what he deserves? the jw's are the best of the rest...Jah rewards good works---Most of us who say that our eyes are being opened go on to pursue our own desires...they maybe aren't as wrong as the jw's portray it but are you giving God your best? If armageddon was to come now---who would get away safe : you or the jw that's making an effort to tell persons about God?
It took me a long time to write this...i'm staying.
by MsGrowingGirl20 110 Replies latest jw experiences
Yeah er ...... is this a spoof ?
Most of us who say that our eyes are being opened go on to pursue our own desires...they maybe aren't as wrong as the jw's portray it but are you giving God your best? If armageddon was to come now---who would get away safe : you or the jw that's making an effort to tell persons about God?
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (NIV)
The ones who preach and believe this I think.
Jah rewards good works
And, according to the Bible, he punishes evildoers with the greatest severity.
The Watchtower Society was just hit with a $20 million + penalty for their negligence in a single child abuse case. There are literally thousands more similar cases out there, many of which are in litigation now.
Do you really want to be associated with an organization that puts its own corporate welfare ahead of justice for the most vulnerable of Jehovah's little sheep?
Found Sheep
Well GrowingGirl20 you are here so there is good hope for you
Peace to youFS
Keep Thinking
"Three sundays ago,i was praying and asking God for a sign or something because i was so confused..."
You have your answer here;
Sounds good: Don't forget to keep thinking !!
I Want to Believe
Everyone has their own delusions to get them through life, so if that's yours than be happy with that life. But if you're ever not happy pretending, or can't turn your brain off again, the rest of the world will still be here for you (No, it's not going away anytime "soon").
Each must work out his or her own salvation (Phil. 2:12). And in the end each must render an account to God (Rom. 14:12). As long as you don't stop thinking. Carry on developing your brain. Everything of the best.