What are you looking for here "growinggirl20"? What brings you to our neck of the woods, you have some unsettled issues or questions you would like answered? We have been where you are, what if Jehovah does bring the "End" now, can you tell me how you differ from monotheistic Mennonites who preached in 1800s Mongolia, North and South China, who lived the truth as close to the Word as possible? Are you picking up your torture stake by driving around in circles for six hours, drinking Starbucks coffee and eating Denny's Grand Slam Breakfasts, make you holy? How can you compare yourself to men and women who were true martyers like Chrisanthama or Ufula, Saint Patrick, Servants, Waldenses, Milton, Newton, Wycliffe?
Why was the last time you saw a CO go with a meal for the sake of Christ? The Apostle Paul letters and Missionaries (The True Pioneers) of the past, demonstrate true self-lessness, how can you compare what you do with a real Missionary? It's Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to claim driving in some air conditioned car, calling on Ghost-Towns is spreading the word of Christ!