It should also have a cheezy "WT" logo on it. :D
Watchtower sends Cease and Desist order on SPARLOCK items!
by sacolton 61 Replies latest jw friends
I nominate "Sparluck" instead of "Sparlock" (tm, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, or one of our blasted entities somewhere... it's hard to keep track) with the aformentioned changes to the trademarked character. ;)
Amelia Ashton
I just google sparlock images and then upload them to a company called Vistaprint. As long as the images are for personal use and not for sale they are pretty easy regarding copyright. You then can attach the image to any product they sell.
The last mug I did was for a friend and I had photos of her 2 chihuahuas put on it with their names underneath. It cost me £3.50 including postage. It whiled away a wet afternoon.
I always use a voucher or a special offer. They have them daily!
I warn you though, it is very addictive. I made another Sparlock t. shirt last night with the slogan. "NOBODY PUTS SPARLOCK IN THE BIN"
They are way cheaper than cafepress. This t.shirt cost me £5.95
Don't forget variations on spelling the name like...
(like in the Loch ness monster)
I don't get it. Didn't the WTS throw the character in the trash bin? Now they want to keep it? What kind of a mixed message is that giving?
I don't know,but it seems to me they have bigger things to worry about.
I don't get it. Didn't the WTS throw the character in the trash bin? Now they want to keep it? What kind of a mixed message is that giving?
Ha! Jim, that is hilarious!!! Now they are being forced to claim Sparlock as their own!!
Amelia Ashton
Caleb can't have him but they can! What kind of message does that send out?
It's all about control.
Sparlock was a wonderful present to apostates for the Watchtower Society. It isn't polite for them to ask for it back.
Jeffro - the world ended invisibly so where do they get off claiming the worlds legal system even exists ? LOL put that in your pipe and smoke it
What about using accented letters?
Spärløck (I'm rather partial to the ø because it's the same as the universal "no" symbol)