Excellent result. I imagine waiving anonimity is is not an easy thing to do (but I suspect will be beneficial in future cases). Best wishes to you!
Greetings from Candace Conti
by AndersonsInfo 97 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
It is good to know that Candace is coping well. this has been a hard time and none of us can fully appreciate how much personal sacrifice and courage she has shown. The society is very good at shifting blame to victims and making them responsible for what happened to them and also placing on them the responsibility not to drag the organisation through the mud that it takes amazing dedication to rise above this. This means that other victims have a clear path ahead of them and an affirmation that this is not their fault, that the society has the responsibility to protect them and not itself.
It was a task that needed doing but only a very courageous person would see it through to the end. I am grateful.
Candace you have done an amazing job of exposing the terrible secret side of abuse in the org.
For so many people who have been abused and had it swept under the carpet by the elders, thankyou thankyou thankyou.
It must have been so hard to come forward, hopefully you have made it easier for others to get their justice too.
I would like to know how you stand in the cong now and how JWs have treated you, Im sure it cant be easy from that side of things either.
Sending you lots of love and positive energy for all your hard work and effort.
Godd job, sis!
You fought and won with great courage. Your perseverance and refusal to give up will no doubt help many more victims of abuse decide not to give up their fight and settle out of court. The damage done to abuse victims is two fold, first by the perpetrators of this crime then by the WTS in their attempts to cover up the abuse 'lest it bring reproach on Jehovah's name'. I wish you all the very best in your future Candace and hope that all the dreams you have now come true for you.
There's the sweet smell of justice in the air all over the world right now.
And you put it there for us to breathe in . . .
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Mickey mouse
Thank you Candace.
Thank you Candace! Wishing you much peace in your future, you deserve it.
Thank you for your hard work and endurance. You given us all a wonderful gift - a taste of justice. metatron