Link to see the hundreds of media organizations that carried Candace's story
by AndersonsInfo 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I posted earlier that its taken off on Twitter. It's amazing indeed.
Chemical Emotions
I am so happy!
Yes it is.
Chemical Emotions
It's freakin' EPIC, that's what it is.
All fingers and toes crossed this is only the beginning of many.
I will light candles and sacrifice a frog to Baal now in the hopes this will all occur. :D
Here is the twitter link only typing in Jehovah.
Many individuals are tweeting about it and it goes to all their followers.
I thought it would have died down some by now, but it's not!
I remember a CO who said something like this many years ago :Their is no such thing as a negative report against Jehovahs Witnesses , if it`s newsworthy, worth publishing it keeps Jehovahs name to the forefront of peoples minds,and thats a good thing.{ That was the gist of what he said from memory } (I think what he had in mind back then was the media coverage of the blood issue & Jehovahs Witnesses ) If he is still alive today I wonder what he would think
All this coverage is just so wonderful. I am posting links everyday to my FB page.
Barbara~I don't know if you were able to hear me on the conference call tonight, as there was such an echo (and I didn't think I had my speaker on?) but I was the one who asked if action against the WTBTS of PA was going to be sought. I only mention this because I didn't know if you had heard my prior comments: I thanked both Ricks-one for hosting the call and the other for taking on the case and seeing it all the way through, Candace for being such a brave soul and you, Barbara, for your tireless effort throughout the years. I said you must be happy to see all your hard work FINALLY come to fruition, and thanked you as well.
Although I was never sexually abused by any JW, I was growing up. It first happened at seven from a male babysitter. I think I may have even been raped at one point, because I recall knowing things a 7 y/o should not know. If I was, by the grace of God it has been blocked from my memory. For the next ten years a few others, whether in the family or not, tried to kill my soul. They almost had me, too..many times they almost had me...
It makes my heart feel overwhelmed when I know there are advocates such as yourself who fight for the innocent children who will never quite be whole again. You are a voice when we have none...You are a shining light of hope when there is darkness all around...You are simply an incredible person, and the world has been a better place because of you. I will never forget your kindness, sacrifice and beautiful heart. On behalf of all abused children, I sincerely THANK YOU from the very depths of my being.
The hills are alive with the soung of music.