Dear Dad

by Euphemism 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Euphemism

    I'm sorry, TimeBandit. Kraken sounds good, though, I hope you can forget your troubles. How long have you been out? It's almost 9 years for me now. We shold co-opt Dan Savage's slogan... it really does get better.

    Ros, it was definitely one of the boards, but I can't remember the details now, especially since I certainly wasn't publicly revealing my location at the time! There are very few people who were at our wedding whom we still talk to, so I'm glad you were able to be there. :)

  • Dagney

    Beautiful letter Euph. **sigh**

    Binadub/Ros, did you run a website? I remember joining one along with a few from the Pathways board after it closed. I was "Imagine" from those boards.

    Good to see you both.

  • binadub


    I missed the wedding because it was supposed to be in the KH. Our communication was somewhat on the QT (obviously). I went to the KH and a lady cleaning the hall told me the plans were changed. So I just went over to the reception. Some of the people there kind of questioned me a little bit--seeming curious as to why they didn't know me. It seems longer ago than 9 years. I think I read it on another forum that you had moved.

    I think you might have contacted me through and we were both surpised we were in the same town. Had to meet. :-)


  • binadub

    I used to host some private e-mail lists in the 1990s (Sub-Rosa Room, Beacon Room, and Concord Room). Each 'room' had a different focus.

    I presently still host Channel C forum ( It almost closed down a few years ago, but I kept it going with just a few friends because those domains were being bought up by porners when they became available. It's not a busy forum, never has been, and I thought it would die by now, but it keeps chatting. Were you on Channel C?

    Two other websites that are still online, but they are so neglected for years now: and must be one of the longest running exJW websites by now (1996)--almost as long as Randy's Free Minds. (The xjw domain acronym should be a clue of how long ago it's been.)

    ~Binadub (aka Ros)

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    WOW! Great letter Euphemism. Thanks for sharing.


  • Dagney

    @ Binadub: No, I never was on Channel C, but I sure read it when I left JW in 2001. I think there was a "room" that a few of us were in, and I think I remember "Libby" was the name of the person I posted with for awhile. I believe she returned, she said she needed the structure.

    Thank you for your efforts in providing these sites for people to be able to come and express themselves and work through the issues of life after WBTS.

  • Euphemism

    That's right, Ros, I was browsing and noticed the address in Eagle. A real stroke of luck.

    Dagney, I'd forgotten that you were also on Pathways! It really does seem like a lifetime ago.

    These days I mostly hang out on Facebook; anyone I know from the board, feel free to friend me at

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Thank You for sharing your heartfelt and personal letter to you dad

  • AnnOMaly

    Some of the people there kind of questioned me a little bit--seeming curious as to why they didn't know me.

    LOL! I remember hearing about that and being both shocked and amused at once. That was one crrrazeee time.

    Dagney, the site you're thinking of is worldcrossing and Ros had a 'room' called XJW-Christians. Pale yellow background and blue font. I only know that because I saved the page with Libby's description of the events of 1935 regarding Ratherflawed and his 'great crowd = earthly class' doctrine (she helpfully filled in some gaps) and I rarely delete stuff like that - you wouldn't believe some of the old DB junk that's still on my hard drive! You never know when it might be useful. I wonder how Libby's doing back in JW-land after all these years.

    Yes, it seems like a lifetime ago - a different age.

  • Dagney

    Hi Ann, Yes, that is it. I do remember the yellow page with the blue font. Yeah, Libby, I wonder...she was a contradiction. Hope all is well with her. Have you backed up that hard drive? ;-) Seriously, you never may be writing a book one day. It does seem a lifetime ago, but look at us now! :-)) Dan, I'm going to friend you on FB.

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