The WTS might not disappear but it is possible they could begin to disintegrate and decline. Look at Christian Science. It is still around nominally, but it is a shell of its former self after suffering decades of decline.
What do apostates really want?
by Mr Facts 66 Replies latest jw experiences
I won't accept the label 'apostate', but what I want is: To free my friends and family from mental enslavement. I accept there is no guarantee of success, but there is only one way to guarantee failure: not to try.
Mr Facts
Londo11 - The WT is not to be blamed in anyway for the slavery of your family and friends, the real culprit are the "difficult world situations" demanding that people need solace and comfort.
Dont blame the watchtower, blame the toxic life conditions you see arround you, all the watchtower does is offer hope
I want nothing less than the complete and utter eradication of the WTS. Thanks for asking.
Mr. Facts - Message of hope? Hope of what? You litterally have no conception of what you are hoping for beyond some fuzzy foggy, illogical "idea" of an idealistic world occupied by robots with no ability to think on thier own. A "world" devoid of any real humanity. No Pain, no suffering, no sickness, no death, happy animals frolicking on the countryside with lobotimized witness frieks. Sounds like an episode of twilight zone. So articulate, who is going to be working to feed everyone, cloth everyone, who is going to be running the factories to make cars, refine the oil, fly the planes (oh or are you going to walk everywhere in Sandals?) Who will manage the communications systems - or will you be using pigeons? What happens when people start sinning by sleeping with thier neighbors wife cause that wife you were married to in the old system that you cant stand is no more attractive than she was then. Wont happen? Check your bible, perfect people sin. What happens when that lazy person who never worked in the old system doesnt want to work in the new system. What happens when everyone wants to live near the ocean? What happens with ambition, vision, creativity. What happens when someone actually has a different idea and disagree's with the "New Government". God just going to start striking people dead again? Wow, I will take this world with all of its problems and imperfections over your "new fantasy system", at least I am alive and can think and have freedom. Life is wonderful my friend, you might try real life sometime and quit hoping for fantasy island,,,,,,
Mr Facts
Jomavrick- It requires faith to comprehend answers to your questions, why do you have to worry about how Jehovah would deliver his promises for mankind?, all he is asking from you is "Faithfullness and unquestioned loyalty" to his earthly organisation.
Once again, supress all uncertainties and have faith in the promises Jehovah had made. Dont worry about how we commute in the new system and et al, the almnighty has promised to open his hands and satisfy the desire of every living things.
You use the word faith - but it actually means stupidity. That is why people like you "want to believe" in the new order - you cant function in real life. Thinking and taking care of yourself is just too much, you need someone else "God" the "Society" the "Elders" to figure it out and tell you what to think. Seriously, why not just crawl in a cave and wait for your deliverance. It's like your buying a house and not supposed to worry about if the foundation is screwed up the roof if faulty, the electrical is outdated, the walls have mold. No go ahead and have faith because someone "told you" it was a good investment.
I dont beleive in giving unquestioned loyalty to anyone or anything - without using my god given intellect. But go ahead and see how that turns out for you.
Let the rest of us normal people live the real life in peace. And quit knocking on my door, it's annoying.
Holy Royal F-f-f-f....
You are a shudderingly gullible mercenary, MrFacts. You want your reward and you're willing to do anything for it - even if it means storing your brain in the deep freeze, at the request of your master. Whatever it takes to get that carrot!
Or you might be a JW Poe.