Apostates are desperately looking for a meme-. From sparlock to Candace Conti, nobody knows what your next meme would be, you guys should really seek professional help, cos It doesnt make any sense.
Apostates are desperately looking for a meme- From sparlock to Candace Conti, It doesnt make any sense
by Mr Facts 31 Replies latest jw experiences
Maybe you should look inside your own psyche for the answer.
We are just having fun - you seem to be placing life desicion matters on these silly issues.
Mr. Facts, why not go back and answer/finish the other threads you've started before starting a new one?
It seems like you just want to start provocative threads to say what you want, without any input from anyone else here and then abandon them.
Oh yeah... he's got us all figured out.
cult classic
Just a casual glance around this forum shows that "apostates" are about as varied a bunch as you can get. The last thing most of us are trying to do is lock each other into yet another life-limiting concept or belief system.
What would make sense to you, Mr Facts?
'Apostates' aren't looking for a meme, the Watchtower Society is supplying plenty of fodder for the opposition. It almost makes one wonder what's going on inside. Are they intentionally self-destructive, or just clueless?
Actually im just looking for a beer, some sexual satisfsction and reason to ditch the meeting sunday.....
a beer, some sexual satisfsction
Both good reasons to.......
ditch the meeting sunday..
Rotfl veeeery true palmie :-D But the current sister elite would disagree.... Thus no satisfaction. But more possibly more beer.....hmmmmmm