elderelite......buy a really nice yummy bottle of wine on Sat night with your wife, she'll maybe have one too many, dance on the table with her top off and be too hung over for the meeting on Sunday.....advice from a women...
Apostates are desperately looking for a meme- From sparlock to Candace Conti, It doesnt make any sense
by Mr Facts 31 Replies latest jw experiences
Apostates are desperately looking for a meme-. From sparlock to Candace Conti, nobody knows what your next meme would be, you guys should really seek professional help, cos It doesnt make any sense.
It's like you can see right through me and into my soul! What is this sorcery? I demand answers!
I have this love song going through my head right now.... :D
Cherish the night we have... we can cherish the love we give....
Cherish the night... cherish the night...
Lady Lee
I wpould have to say that those who have left the JWs are less likely to follow some meme than the Witnesses are to follow their leaders which ever way the winds blows towards Armageddon.
At least we don't do it without thinking
Mr NoFacts - Please stop abusing the concept of memes. Switch off your computer and go read a book.
This is valid. Sparlock represents the lives of a good many children that grew up strict witlesses. They never had any toys because they were too worldly and "displeased Jehovah". They never got to do anything but field circus after school, missing out on class trips. Vacation was wasted on field circus, and all they could listen to was Kingdumb sxxx. All in the name of making Jehovah happy instead of Satan. Every association was also censored, and they could not play outside for "bad associations". I even saw a child being dragged out in field circus during his whole April vacation one year, all day. Those people relate to Caleb, and Sparlock relates to them. For those who were not brought in as strictly or who were recruited, they do not relate as strongly--however, in the interests of those who were born in and raised as strict witlesses, let's not kill Sparlock.
Candice is another valid case. This represents hope that the Washtowel will finally receive public embarrassment and start getting hit with big lawsuits. People that were molested as children within this lousy organization should relate to this, as well as those with family still in and wish to extricate them from the washtowel. The Washtowel is in big trouble with Candice, and ultimately this could expose them to bigger embarrassments. Field circus will become less productive, donations will plummet, and people will be discouraged by not getting anything from field circus. Despite the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger's best attempts to beat the flock back into field circus, they will continue getting nothing from the field. No donations for the littera-trash, no return visits, no nothing. And, if they lose too many lawsuits while getting zero donations, they could be forced to disband worldwide. True, a few will remain faithful--but this will dissolve many of the problems they created with shunnings within families.
Yes, we are going to see more threads like this. Let's put up with them, as they are very big. Sparlock relates with quite a few witlesses, while Candice represents a long, tough battle for the organization. If you are not interested, there is always such a thing as not clicking onto such links and not reading them. Except for moderators who need to inspect every thread, we have that option. And, if something terrific happens (say, one or more leaders gets arrested and thrown in jail), I expect a tidal wave of such threads about it. Those who do not wish to read about it, or that lose interest in the topics, have the option of not reading it.
Mr Facts being a jehovahs witness,is that an oxymoron ?
Not particularly looking for memes, and certainly not desperate to find them. Lately the WTBS has thrown a new one in our faces about every week. I suppose if you have your head stuck in the sand (or someplace similar) you don't notice them so much.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Trolling again are we?
This begs me to ask, if JW's are always looking for "signs" of the end, is what we do any different?
So whom here needs professional help; the people trying to just live with meaning, and have a little fun along the way, or the people who’s total existence is centered around the end of civilization and the destruction of over 7 billion men, women and children?
Think about it.
cos It doesnt make any sense.
cos It doesnt make any sense.
cos It doesnt make any sense.
cos It doesnt make any sense.