This is a classic situation played on almost any discussion board on any topic.
Newbie comes in, ignores the fact there is a past before their presence, and starts telling people how much better it would be if they did 'this' (whatever that might be) instead, and then gets all surprised when people act like he's teaching his grandmother to suck eggs because they've heard it before.
Often happens with creationists; they come in with their two-pennies-worth of wisdom from some Creationist site, despite the fact they are almost always parroting information, rather than discussing something they have studied extensively. Then they act surpirse when the hacknied arguement they present is torn apart by people who have torn the same arguement apart at least sixteen times previously, and are getting a little bored with dealing with the same set of misconceptions over and over.
Essentially, this is human nature. The subject can change, it would still happen.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...