by The Searcher 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    There are no "New Scrolls" in Rev 20:12. Just "scrolls".

    The WT pulled the "new" out of their a$$; like "new light"....

  • sd-7

    Unbelievable. This is a great point about Revelation 20:12. It doesn't say the 'scrolls' are new. It just says "scrolls were opened". The dead were judged according to what was written in the scrolls, which I would guess implies that these scrolls contain a record of the deeds of said individuals, not a bunch of new rules to obey. Fascinating...


  • wannabefree

    1985 reference ....

    *** w85 6/15 p. 18 par. 21 Sustaining Ourselves on the Fulfillment of Jehovah's Utterances ***
    Then, carrying out another divine utterance, Christ will bind Satan and his demons and hurl them into the abyss for "a thousand years." (Revelation 20:1-3) That thousand years will allow for the fulfillment of other utterances of Jehovah, including the resurrection of the dead and "the curing of the nations," obedient mankind. (Revelation 20:11-15; 22:1, 2) During this thousand-year judgment period, Jehovah evidently will give additional instructions, unknown to us at present, as new "scrolls" are opened. (Revelation 20:12) How marvelous it will be for the survivors of the "great tribulation" and for the resurrected dead to gain instruction and guidance from these further instructions as set forth on these unrolled "scrolls" of Jehovah and to carry them out delightfully!

  • wannabefree

    ... and the only other two references using the particular term "new scrolls"

    *** re chap. 41 pp. 299-300 par. 15 God's Day of Judgment-Its Joyful Outcome! ***
    In 2005, Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide were conducting, on the average, 6,061,534 Bible studies in various locations. But during the resurrection, countless millions of studies, based on the Bible and the new scrolls, will no doubt be conducted!

    *** kl chap. 19 p. 185 par. 13 When the Knowledge of God Fills the Earth ***
    How grand it will be when the knowledge of God fills the earth! There will be an extensive educational program under the direction of the King Jesus Christ and his 144,000 corulers. New "scrolls" will then come into use. Evidently these are God's written instructions that will serve as a basis for educating earth's inhabitants. (Revelation 20:12)

  • neverscreamagain


    Reminds me of a New Yorker cover illustration from last year showing Steve Jobs impatiently waiting at the "pearly gates" while St. Peter tries to find his name on an Ipad. Funny Stuff!

  • 00DAD

    Liars gotta' lie.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Why should they stop it when all the little birdie witlesses gobble it up like birdseed on an iceberg.

    They know exactly what they're doing, they just hope they have you conned enough not to notice.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    @ wannabefree

    The references to Revelation 20:12 and the false reasoning on it, occur approximately 20 ytimes in the literature.

    Just go to Revelation 20:12 in the WT CD ROM, left click on the verse number (12) and all the references will come up for you to examine at your leisure.

    The phrase "new scrolls" has been seared into people's minds over the years by speakers at assemblies, conventions, and Kingdom Halls, as well as in general conversations with one another. There may be only 3 direct references in the literature, but this urban myth has been perpetuated for so long, that most believe it to be a Bible truth.

    "Keep testing the inspired expressions".

  • kjg132
    kjg132 I have been a lurker on here for at least a year. I have never responded to a thread that I can recall. But I am definately going to take this one to heart and read the scriptures about Korah. My husband and I (and our 3 young ones) faded a little more than a year ago. My elder pioneer older brother sent me a 13 page letter back in August and a good portion of those 13 type written pages compared me to Korah...he meant well....but hasn't spoken to me outside of one occasion since he wrote me the letter. I read the scriptures at the time but I am now interested in revisiting those versus.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Welcome kjg132!

    Glad to have you joining in.

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