But Billy is accurate. He tells it like it is.
NEWS-JW Wife Stabbed in Kingdom Hall
by Refriedtruth 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals
" BUT if it happened in another local church, every JW from here to the moon would use it as part of their presentation at the door and try to say that something like that would not happen in Jehovah's house."
Like this Puffthedragon?
" My name is Sister DoRight, I live in the neighborhood. As I was coming along this morning, I observed that everyone is talking about ( mention a recent neighborhood crime or other matter of local concern ). What do you think about it ? Is there anything that you feel would help make our lives secure ??? ( Proverbs 1:33, 3: 5,6 )_________Reasoning from the scriptures page 10
I wouldn't be too quick to condemn the guy as abusive . . . if he was an unbelieving mate, he would have been losing his wife and possibly his children to a dangerous cult. This can be very upsetting for some people.
Found Sheep
but i don't think stabbing the JW will help her get out....sizemlk?
I doubt anybody would think that.
I remember hearing of same incident happening at several KH's before, it's usually an unbelieving husband who who's abusing the wife and he doesnt like her and the kids being at the KH, they should be home with him . . for even more abuse I guess.
One day, just one, I would hope that the state I was born and grew up in would make the news for a good reason.
i have a thought that would be kind of dark and dispicable if true. maybe the congregation didnt try to stop him on purpose. it would certainly help fuel the fire that the world is what they say it is.
make her the cautionary tale.
at the same time these death worshippers are gossipy little kids
maybe they let it happen so they can tell all their jw friends about how the husband was possessed and stood ten feet tall breathing fire from his nostrils. they can talk about how they wanted to be heroic but the three foot long machete the husband weilded was too overbearing.
we all know for a fact at the very least they will say they sensed he was a danger the moment they met him.
Since when do they call it a "sanctuary"?