I don't know if these letters were posted here before , so I'm sorry if is something that all of you have seen already.
Letter from elders to WT about Jonathan Kendrick and the WT response
by wolfman85 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Can you post a larger copy?
Disgusting,they are comparing molesting a child to general misconduct,as if the girl was a willing participant. Disgusting,they deserve to be sued.
Creepy dude
Absolutely no concern shown for the victim(s) . . . or the law.
Juries all over the land are gonna love that.
If I've read the mood correctly . . . WTS is really out of touch on this. They just can't hide their complicity and guilt from the whole world, like we're all mind-controlled JW's
Thanks for the post.
I can't believe it did not require a judiciary meeting.
So what if he had no status in the congregation, would there have been any sort of penalty?
Can you publish the larger sized ones but so they appear in full. I can't follow them.
Thank you.