Seeker: I once asked myself what I would do were ai perfectly free to do so ... such as having a millions dollars ... what would I do differently ... and thre were few things, but one of them was to tell a few people how I feel about them. Why I felt I needed money, I am not sure any more - somehow I connected financial freedom with freedom to speak. Mostly, I am not sure why I felt I needed to feed energy to telling someone off - except a very few.
Maybe some on chat and bulletin boards have a new found freedom, and at times, they puch the envelop, and abuse that freedom ... forgetting that they need not stike out at everyone, because of the few who have hurt them in life ...
Just above, Valintine (Tina) chose to make remarks about others ... and if those people read what she said, they may feel the need to retaliate ... and the cycle goes on ... like Palestinians and Israelis ... one bomb begets another in return ... and no one ever feels that the onus shuold be on them to take the first step to stop the cycle of character attacks.
Specific Example of Tina's remarks:
"In my asking for help thread, see refiners fool who thinks it's perfectly acceptable to kick someone when they're down. That will answer your question."Why does she say this? It only continues the cycle. That is what really happens.
"Of course he shares that inhumanity w/pricka larc and ma. but thats ok. They don't even realize the respect they lost among many here." T"Inhumanity" of Prisca and Larc? I don't know who 'ma' is. How have these people been inhumane? And why call Prisca by a term that is a slur? If only continues the cycle.
Then she sums it up with inflammatory remark about them losing respect on this board. How have they lost respect? Who has lost such respect? Why?
When such unspecific allegations are made without any evidence ... just slurs and Dis ... then the cycle is not going to stop, unless each everyone decides to let it stop ...
I use Tina's words here because they are evidence, and on your thread ... and serve perfectly the root of the problem many have ... they attack character and not issues. When that happens ... it is no longer discussion ... but simply another form of war ... a war where all logic goes out the window.