Hey Freeof1914!
Many here on JWN have recovered from making the mistake we were warned about:
(Psalm 146:3) . . .Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.
Recovery is a process, not an event. A good Psychologist (not Psychiatrist) is worth far more than the cost. PTSD therapies such as CBT, psychotherapy (talking medicine) and EMDRAA are particularly useful.
If possible one may wish to avoid unnecessary or hasty use of addictive psychiatric drugs (which some Psychologists may try to pressure you into taking, due to pressure from their supervising Psychiatrist).
During high stress periods a lot of benefit can be had from frequent moderate exercise, and getting enough fruit, veg, and hydration, and only eating/drinking junk once a week.
As others have said looking after yourself, and recovering from WBTS abuse, can be the best revenge.