YES many of us here were False Prophets parroting the WTS/GB/JWorg's false teachings for years. "New Lite" = TIME RAN OUT... Has anyone noticed how the WTS keeps quoting Genesis 6:3, the scripture on a generation lasting 120 years? They did it again in yesterdays WT study. It is clear to me they are planting seeds on this train of thought... Lets see... 1914 + 120 = 2034. Now how old must one be to understand all of this? I understood these things at about age 22. OMG!!! Take 22 years from 2034 and we come to 2012!!! Could all this hooopla about 2012 be correct???
Do NOT be mislead, False Prophets will not inherit Gods Kingdom yet THAT is what some of you were!
by Greybeard 31 Replies latest jw friends
And yes, that means all of us that were out in field circus (those who are unbelieving mates, parents of children that became witlesses, or just return visits that did the right thing and researched before joining are not included in this). Those of us who had a share in spreading the Kingdumb message, especially those who conducted studies or placed rags that featured the "soon to be here" end of the system of things, were purveyors of a false message. And all too many are in a situation where they have to continue doing that or have their families busted up or lose their jobs and/or apartments.
I confess I am one of those who used to be a purveyor of a false prophecy. But, no more--I believe that the end they are looking for happened on February 14, 2012 and they didn't even know about it. The end of the Age of Pisces came that day--because it's such a gradual transition, and because they were looking for something far more spectacular, they never saw it coming. Now I simply state that I believe that the end already came, and that they need to start researching with independent sources so they can have their belief system remodeled.
" Does anyone notice how the WTS keep qouting Genesis 6:3 "
Yep, it's called buyin' time
For Use in the Field Ministry______Reasoning from the Scriptures book pages 9-14
" Have you ever wondered why we grow old and die? Some sea turtles live for hundreds of years. Certain trees have lived for thousands of years. But humans live just 70 or 80 years and then die. Have you ever wondered why ?.......( Romans 5:12 ) will that situation ever change ?."...... ( Rev. 21:3,4 )________Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 14
I ain't no prophet, but I'll bet they stop makin' that case
Oops, they already have
The organization is now in a bit self marketing quagmire, for nothing has really happened since 1914 as they said it would,
generations have passed on and we are now coming to whole century since that particular year.
I'm personally guessing that the WTS. will drop the year all together or try moving the year up a few more years as time progresses.
Moving the goal posts up a few years has always worked in the past, so expect the same in the future.
It takes some honest inquisitiveness to see the lies and corruption of this organization, but its there if you have some level of intelligence.
And yes I do expect the WTS will try expanding on a generation meaning 120 years, its but one of little options it has now
or drop 1914 all together. They might even say that people lived longer in ancient times to support this assertion.
Has anyone noticed how the WTS keeps quoting Genesis 6:3, the scripture on a generation lasting 120 years?
No - I have stopped paying any attention to any of their bullshit!
" They might even say that people lived longer in ancient times to support this assertion "
That's exactly what there sayin'
And it's not pointin' to an overlappin' generation in Genesis 6:3
But one life span
Granma, mother, and grandaughter do not equal one generation, even if there ages all together added up to 120
that's still three separate generations
@ WTWizard,
You are one person on this site that blows my mind. Are you an athiest or what? A Satan worshiper for real? I equate Satan with the likes of Hitler... A murderer as he killed Job's family etc, etc, etc... How can anyone uphold what Satan represents? For the life of me, I do not understand this... I am sure i am not the only one on this web site that can't figure out where you are comming from.
@Greybeard If Satan killed Jobs family, and his 'best friend' Jehovah knew about it and didnt stop it, what does that make Jehovah? He is a bad friend at the least, but more likely guilty of murder because it was part of a bet he had with Satan. Jehovah could have resurected Jobs 10 children, but he didn't. He could have stoped it, but he didn't.
Show me 'god's' moral high ground.
@ Diest,
Thanks for your response. I understand where you are coming from, I read "Jehovah Unmasked"... I just do not buy all that... Yes there are some things I am confused about however... We do not know that YHWH has not or will not resurrect all those who have died. The dead are living to YHWH. All that aside, Satan represents the worst of the worst. Do not Satan worshipers believe in human sacrifices and all of that stuff? Rape, murder, steeling etc, etc, etc???
Could all this hooopla about 2012 be correct???
there is a funny cartoon at the link below I couldn't figure out how to insert the image