Do NOT be mislead, False Prophets will not inherit Gods Kingdom yet THAT is what some of you were!

by Greybeard 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diest

    Greybeard, I dont promote the worship of Satan or of Jah. My only point is when I started to look critically at parts of the bible I noticed some majo holes. Job is one of the biggest holes. We always read about how great Job's faith was, but we never stoped to think about how immoral the story is when you break it down.

    Thats also why I bring up a third of the angels falling away. They were perfect creatures with no inherint sin and the ability to avoid satans power, yet 1/3 fell away. What hope do you and I have in succedeing?

    These and many other thoughts about the bible allow people like WTWizzard to talk about Satan that way. Satan is a myth to us, so he has no power.

    Sorry to have hijacked your thread.

  • Greybeard

    Thank you Diest for finally answering my question. "Satan is a myth to us, so he has no power." Sounds to me like you are speaking for WTWizzard too. You didn't "hijack" my thread, you answered my question. I have often wondered what hope I have if 1/3 of the "perfect" angels fell away. That is something to think about... I tend to lean twords universal salvation and I believe the Bible supports this. A good website on this subject is here:

    I take it you are both athiests?

  • Diest

    I am a Deist. I have a feeling that there is a god out there who got the ball rolling. I cant prove it one way or the other and someday I lean toward there being no god at all. So far in life I see no reall indications that a god has done anything for humanity. I dont see any world religion that is worth a shit.

    I can go through the bible and find so many issues, that I had to give up on it being divinely inspired. (The creation story, the exudus, the flood, Job, the time it took to write down the account of Jesus, and so on)

    there is a funny cartoon at the link below I couldn't figure out how to insert the image...ldrnomo

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • cantleave

    Do you have problem with Atheists Greybeard?

    Do you believe science i wrong?

    Or are you just going to ignore because I am an Atheist?

    I hear you kick Atheists off your forum, is that correct?

  • Greybeard

    @ Cantleave,

    I have no problem with Atheists who respect other peoples beliefs. I can understand why many become Athiest. I was kicked off a forum by Athiests about a year ago or so. I have never kicked anyone off our forum that I can recall. Our forum is not a open free for all anything goes type forum. It is not a place where we allow the promotion of Athiesm to prevail as it does in many forums. Truth is... lately I have not been on our forum much or blogged in a while. I have a special fondness for all who were JW's like myself, including Athiests. I believe God has more respect for Athiests than he does religious hypocrites.

    Like most of us, I am still working out what I believe to be true. I have been trying to shed some of my life long religious hypocrisy. I lean twords universal salvation and I believe the Bible supports that. I do not believe the Bible is a infalable book that God has written. I prefer the words in RED by Christ himself. Christ brought a different message, love your enemies etc, etc, etc... I sometimes have a problem with things Paul said that seam to contradict Jesus. Jesus said to have no leader except me. For me, that leaves ALL men out. So far, I have no problem with anything Jesus said or did. I don't think their could be a more perfect example of love than what Christ showed. Calling him names... calling God names and promoting Satan is not something I care to entertain. If it is in my power, it will not happen in my home or on a forum I run. I think people should be able to respect that. I have only been out of the JW's for about 3 years. I have made mistakes on other forums where I was rude in return to Athiests and I did apologise for that a long time ago.



  • DesirousOfChange

    The organization is now in a bit self marketing quagmire, for nothing has really happened since 1914 as they said it would,

    Are you kidding........there is plenty in the news for them to grab hold of:

    Middle East conflicts -- Iran, Syria, Israel, Eqypt

    Global Warming -- Warmest winter in USA, Hottest spring & early summer

    Global Economic Crisis -- EVERYTHING about to collapse

    Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados



  • cantleave

    Thank you Greybeard!

    I appreciate your answer. I can fully understand where you are at present, I was there too for while after waking up. Keep on seeking and you will find what is right for you.

    I have come to the conclusions that I have, because of an honest evaluation of facts and evidence. If I appear to be disrespectful it is unintentional, I just want people to think and look at perspectives they may not have considered.

    My belief is that too many people who leave the Watch Tower do not want to let go of the good verses evil concept which was used to control us.They will never be free until they release their minds of superstition and fear of myths.

    I didn't become truly free, until I relaised that evil is not due to devils and demons, it comes from greed, selfishness and mental unbalance. The point being, when I joined this forum I thought WTWizard was scary, I can now read his posts, appreciate his POV and not worry about whether some egostistical, insecure, despotic god is offended.

  • Greybeard

    No problem cantleave,

    I understand where you are coming from. We are all on our own path/journy and my hope is that it leads to enlightenment. Seams the older I get, the less I find that I know...

    Take care,


  • Finkelstein

    Are you kidding........there is plenty in the news for them to grab hold of:

    They have always pointed out world events as signs of the last days. ( must try to bring some viability to their doctrines )

    Of course intelligent educated people know that these events have been occurring for thousands of years and more.

    Thinking educated people know that these said signs also occurred in abundance in ancient times when those words were actually written

    and yes they were difficult times to deal with for those people as well.

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