I had a landlord who was a Swami at one of the Hindu temples here. They have a hospitality after their service every week, held at the temple. It's like a pot luck, and promotes unity of the 'congregation' (for lack of a better word). The Lutheran Church also does the same.
Perhaps the Watchtower Society TM is doing this in an effort to strengthen ties within the organization. I mean, they have pretty much eliminated parties and (LOL) get-togethers, for fear of people having real discussions, and (oh the horror) fun socializing. How else are they to get people to feel more connected -- well, have a hospitality suite after the Sunday bore-fest.
Side note: My landlord, bless his heart, used to bring me a heaping large plate of Indian food every Sunday afternoon, as he knew I was sick, alone, and loved Indian food. No, he did not try to convert me - he was practising charity, something the Jehovah's Witnesses TM know little about.