This was one of the things I really enjoyed in connection with giving public talks, both for me going out as a speaker and when others came to visit. It was a nice way to get to know different people. If they were odd, well then you're only stuck with them for an hour or so, but sometimes we met some really cool people.
Some people liked to take the visiting speaker out to a restaurant, but I always liked it better when we went to someone's home, even if the fare was simple. One of my favorite times was visiting a relatively poorer congregation. One bookstudy hosted. The meal was just cold-cuts and a "do-it-yourself" sandwich but the people were really nice and sincere folk.
It just reminds me that deep down, the average JW is just a regular person that really wants to be good. Too bad the WT leadership ruins it with their ridiculous need to control and their hypocritical lies.
It really should be criminal what the WT Leaders have done and continue to do. What a beautiful thing it could be.