For those who don't see what is wrong:
So just as Jesus needed protection, you also need to be protected from grown-ups-and even from other children-who may try to have sex with you.
Ummm Jesus got help form his "father" . That is a little impractical for a child.
Usually, these people will pretend to be your friends. They may even offer you something it you will promise not to tell others about what they want to do with you.
Some people have no desire to be a "friend". Forget the bribes. Most often threats will be made to maintain silence.
But these people are selfish, like Satan and his demons, and they only want to get pleasure for themselves. And they try to get this pleasure by having sex with children. This is very wrong!"
Well okay to a point. But sexual abuse includes a lot more than physical contact. It includes getting a child to watch videos or read magazines that are sexually explicit. They may simply expose themselves or get the child to watch them masturbate. They may also make very inappropriate sexual remarks to the child.
"Do you know what they may do to get pleasure for themselves?---Well, they may try to rub your sex organs. Or they will even rub their sex organs against yours. But you should never let anybody play with penis or vulva, Not even your won brother or sister or your mother or father. These parts of your body are private."
They don't need to rub themselves on the child's "sex organs". They can rub themselves on any part of the child. It is all sexual abuse. By limiting the places where sexual contact can occur they are misinforming children about the whole spectrum of sexual abuse
"How can you protect your body from people who do bad things like this?
Yes they are placing the responsibility on the child. We all should give children permission to say NO. We tell children to never say No to an adult, certainly not to a parent or an elder or any other adult they come into contact with.
However too often the abuse happens despite the objections of the child. When this happens the child winds up feeling responsible because they didn't say no loud enough or strong enough. They didn't stop it. So on top of the abuser telling them it is their fault this incomplete message places another layer of blame on the child.
---First of all, do not let anybody play with your sex organs.
again - incomplete information
If someone tries to do this, say firmly in a loud voice: "Stop that! I am going to tell on you!"
Nowhere does it say who they should tell. Or what they should do if no one listens or helps them.
And if the person say that what happened is your fault, don't believe that. It is not true. Just go and tell on him no matter who it is!
ok good to a point but incomplete
You should do so even if he says that what you are doing together is a secret just between you and him.
A little more information about keeping secrets is needed here. Because later when the elders get involved and say there is no proof and no 2 witnesses they will be warned to keep it all a secret. Talk about confusing a kid about secrecy.
Even if that person promises you nice presents or makes scary threats, you should get away from him and tell on him anyway."
And just how is that child supposed to get away from a parent or an elder or brother who is respected. Who are the adults going to believe - the kid with a story or the adult who say the kid is lying?
"You do not have to be afraid, but you do need to be careful.
OK the child should not be afraid to tell but who should they tell? Sexual abuse prevention programs tell children that if no one listens to them they should tell someone else and keep telling until someone really listens.
When your parents warn you about people or places that could be a danger to you, you need to listen to them. If you do, you take away a bad person's chance to hurt you."
wow didn't they just say the child should not be afraid? Now they are saying that parents will warn them about people or places they should be afraid of. Kind of confusing for a child.
Plus they say you should listen to your parents. No where in this does it say what a child should do if the abuser is a parent.
Stats show that most often a child is abused by someone they know and is close to them. JWs pretty much insulate children from many things like coaches and extracurricular activities. Pretty much the only place they will be is with other JWs.
As parents we have a lot of control over our children but we often give them confusing messages. We tell them not to let people touch them inappropriately but also tell them to kiss uncle or daddy or cousin goodnight or good bye. We allow our children to be picked up and passed around to anyone at the hall. JWs don't see other JWs as threats. The WTS creates a blind spot by saying all JWs are trust-worthy. By not specifying that even JWs might abise a child they are perpetuating this blind spot.