I am so upset and just cannot believe that you Justitia andThesmis and fleaman uk would think that, that picture is OK.
I am DESPERATE to have PEDOPHILES stop interacting with kids in this religion!
I had three, Do you understand THREE, pedophiles in the hall I attended! I was not allowed to tell anyone that they were pedophiles I was threatened with being DF'ed. These men where free to be around anyone in the hall including kids at any time, they would go out in service, hold kids, one even held a baby shower with his wife, yeh the elders were supposed to watch them. What a joke. One of the pedophiles conducted field service. Like one poster said he could easily put himself to be with kids that day. One of the pedophiles was the congregation mascot. He was always being bragged up by the elders as to how great of a person he was. One elder called him a gentle giant in his public talk which he gave over and over.
I do not think you are able to get the problem. Again Justitia Thesmis it was not the words but the Picture that truly upset me! The picture over road the words but even the words did nothing as Lady Lee pointed out.
I am just mind boggled right now at your and fleaman uk thoughts and thinking process. I know of a young women who was molested in the "truth"when she was five. She justt killed herself two years ago when she was 22 years old because of her abuse.
Guess what her perp is still interacting in secrecy in the religion. I guess that is OK because she should have just been able to hold up her hand and say STOP and so she deserved to die?????? They should have probably DF'ed her for loose conduct at the age of five because she clearly wanted it as she did not say STOP as she should have.
What about Jerry Sandsuky's victims? They were at fault too I guess, because they were in there early teens, I am so glad you were not on the jury because he would be free right now.
Justitia Thesmis I think Jerry might be looking for a new attorney now so maybe you could apply as I know you are in law school as you mention it every chance you get. You could be you in the headlines and it would give your name a public place.
I am sorry but I find the way you put my name as LITS s/he like you do not remember me. You PM'ed me and asked for a WT six months ago I thought you were not like this, I am just totally blown away.
No I am not trying to look 'hysterical.' as you claimed I am trying to point out how horrible that picture is.
I showed it to my friend who's husband at the age of 38 killed himself because when he was twelve he was rapped by a priest. She was appalled at the picture. She said her husband and his brother had both told the PRIEST TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He did not stop and thus her husband died and left three children fatherless because he blamed himself.
No I am not hysterical I just do not more kids to die when they grow up and think it was their fault because they did not say STOP!
I went to a CO when we had the three child molesters in the hall all at the same time, one of the pedophiles was bound and determined to work with my husband and I in field service, this man was on the internet as having RAPED A SEVEN year old CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus he pimped out girls according to the internet.I asked the CO if my husband and I would really have to have a man who was a child molester in my car and the CO said YES!!! I just needed to get a handle on my feelings. Just like you think Justitia T I was in the wrong and I was hysterical because I did not want a man who had rapped kids in the car I paid for and bought the gas for! Oh silly me how selfish am I not to want poor brother child molester in my car I am just hysterical.
Funny thing I called Bethel last week and I asked if pedophiles go door to door and I spoke to two different "brothers" both said NO that JW's never send pedophiles door to door. I have seen it with my own eyes over and over and over. I know for a fact that child molesters, pedophiles, baby rapist, or what ever you want to call them DO GO DOOR TO DOOR. Why did Bethel lie to me last week????????? If everything is so great why the lies???
I guess you can take a person out of the religion but you cannot take the religion out of the person in your cases. JT and fleaman.
If you think I am hysterical you will think it. But please do not put words in my mouth!!!
Thanks Lady Lee for your great post.