What's the latest "policy" on JW's attending non witness funerals held in churchs?
by Lynnie 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Recently a non witness family member passed away and there is a service being held in the local Episcopalian church and my
elder cousin and his family are planning on attending. I thought this wasn't allowed?
Within the past year or so the Kingdom Ministry Question Box or the WT Questions from Readers addressed this issue. Conclusion was that it is totally a matter of "personal conscience". One JW (example of someone who left Christendom) might feel strongly that they never want to enter a church again after being so misled. Another JW (example of sister with unbelieving hubby) may feel that she can accompany her hubby as she has no fear of falling prey to the teachings of this false religion.
Neither should judge the other for their choice in the matter.
Wow that's really different than when I was in the religion. I think way back when you could get df'd for going into a church.
Even on vacation and just sightseeing! I asked my mother if it was allowed but of course she "didn't know" and deferred to my cousin
as usual. Very surprising to me that this is a personal conscience matter now. Well I guess I can look forward to seeing the
family that shuns me in a different church!
Conscience matter as long as there is no participation in anything that might be construed as false worship and it would not stumble others.
Rub a Dub
When my ex's catholic grandfather died, he went to the funeral and stood outside the door of the church, but would not enter the church
I think the policy is something like this: my non-believing aunt told my mother about a viewing that was held in a church, this Sister went up, looked at the body, then ran out the church!! Like the all-knowing Jehovah wouldn't see here there. So, I guess the Jdubs should sit in the back of the church if they attend the whole service, because certainly Jehovah won't see you in the back row.
The dubs that I know have usually gone to the outside of the church....stood there and greeted the mourners and shared condolences. Thus they put in an appearence without compromising.
Thw WTS has said that one is free to go in and listen, but I am sure that if one bowed their head in prayer or were seen to be singing a hymn they would be guilty of false worship..
It is not forbidden but strongly discouraged.
*** w02 5/15 p. 28 Questions From Readers ***
Would it be advisable for a true Christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church?
O u r taking part in any form of false religion is displeasing to Jehovah and must be avoided. (2 Corinthians 6:14-17; Revelation 18:4) A church funeral is a religious service that likely involves a sermon advocating such unscriptural ideas as the immortality of the soul and a heavenly reward for all good people. It may also include such practices as making the sign of the cross and joining in prayer with the priest or minister. Prayers and other religious exercises contrary to Bible teaching may also be a part of a religious wedding ceremony held in a church or elsewhere. Being in a group where everyone else is engaging in a false religious act, a Christian may find it difficult to resist the pressure to join in. How unwise to expose oneself to such pressure!
What if a Christian feels obligated to attend a funeral or a wedding held in a church?An unbelieving husband, for example, may urge his Christian wife to be with him on such an occasion. Could she join him as a quiet observer? Out of regard for her husband’s wishes, the wife may decide to go with him, being determined not to share in any religious ceremonies. On the other hand, she may decide not to go, reasoning that the emotional pressure of the circumstances could prove to be too much for her, perhaps causing her to compromise godly principles. The decision would be hers to make. She definitely would want to be settled in her heart, having a clean conscience.—1 Timothy 1:19.
In any case, it would be to her advantage to explain to her husband that she could not conscientiously share in any religious ceremonies or join in the singing of hymns or bow her head when prayer is offered. On the basis of her explanation, he may conclude that his wife’s presence could give rise to a situation that might be unpleasant to him. He may choose to go alone out of love for his wife, respect for her beliefs, or a desire to avoid any embarrassment. But if he insists that she go with him, she might go as a mere observer.
Not to be overlooked is the effect our attending a service in a religious building might have on fellow believers. Could it injure the conscience of some? Might their resistance to avoid engaging in idolatry be weakened? "Make sure of the more important things," admonishes the apostle Paul, "so that you may be flawless and not be stumbling others up to the day of Christ."—Philippians 1:10.
If the occasion involves a close fleshly relative, there may be additional family pressures. In any case, a Christian must carefully weigh all the factors involved. Under certain circumstances he or she may conclude that no difficulties would arise from attending a church funeral or wedding as an observer. However, the circumstances may be such that by attending, the likely injury to one’s own conscience or to that of others would outweigh the possible benefits of being present. Whatever the situation, the Christian should make sure that the decision will not interfere with his preserving a good conscience before God and men.
Blondie, thanks for posting that reference. I remember reviewing that when considering whether or not to attend my brothers wedding a few years ago.
So in summary: It's a "conscience" matter, but [wink, wink] only those with a "weak conscience" would go. If you want to be a Super-duper-über-dub you would never, ever want to:
- Stumble someone else, imagine: You almost got everlasting life, but because you "stumbled" another person by living your own life you ...
- Displeased cranky Jehovah, you know how testy he can be!
- And of course there is always the overly-judgmental Elders to consider
So go to the wedding/funeral/whatever if you must. Have fun. God is watching!