What's the latest "policy" on JW's attending non witness funerals held in churchs?

by Lynnie 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Paralipomenon

    Isn't there something in the elder letters or flock book that say that an elder or ministerial servant could lose their privledges if it is known that they attended a service at a church?

  • Lynnie

    Well I guess my uber elder cousin has decided it's okay for him and his elite witness family to attend. He's thought of

    very highly so I'm sure no one would question his judgement on this issue. And the fact that he probably won't share

    with other JW's that he went to an Episcopalian church is extremely likely too. He knows how to keep people at

    arms length. Now how they treat me will be interesting since I've been df'd for 35 years. Can't wait to feel the

    love (hate) of my JW family.

  • 00DAD

    Don't ask, don't tell!

  • respectful_observer

    I've had to serve as a pall bearer for several family funerals held in churches. An elder relative served with me on at least two occassions. He mandated that we not accompany the casket once we got up to the back row of pews and that we all sit in the back. We were instructed not STAND in the back, but to SIT only. That way, if someone turned around during a part of the mass where everyone was standing and saw us standing too, they might assume we were participating.

    After he laid out all the rules, I asked "How would you feel if a non-JW relative came to the KH for my funeral talk, they refused to stand for a song or prayer and insisted they sit in a chair in the lobby for the whole thing. Wouldn't you find that disrespectful?"

    His response: "Well that's entirely different."

    Afterward, he only ever talks about how "impersonal" the mass was. The last time, I finally said "Really?? The priest spent a lot longer talking about him than we ever do at Witness memorial talks. Didn't you think so? After all, you've given plenty of funeral talks. Isn't the outline basically 'fill in the blank' for a few personal items, and the rest of it a talk?"

    He didn't like that very much.

  • 00DAD

    An elder said, "Well that's entirely different."

    There's a word for that, it's called HYPOCRISY!

    I am so fed up with JWs blasting every other organization/religion/government/individual for doing this, that or some other thing when THEY ARE GUILTY OF ALL OF THAT SAME CRAP TOO!

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