I grew a beard after every single guy at work had one but me. (Worldly Pier Pressure) I was working in the back country Appalacian area of Tennessee when this happened. I shaved the beard one day, and my daughter and wife said, "grow your beard back!". Ha Ha.
I will still wear a suit or a tux to special occasions, the orchestra, special night with my wife and I. I've always had a tux but the suits that I buy now are more high fashioned with cuffs on the sleeves of the suit coat, shirts always have cuff links,and I love old western vests. I like to wear high quality clothes and fashionable suits. Ties are optional, but I don't mind spending as much on a tie as most brothers would spend on their suit. Since I am between the age of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, I don't mind showing some class; I've never been cheap. And dignity is not inexpensive.
I've always had to purchase a 4 door "service car" since youth. I sold the 7 passenger service family van, although I wish I hadn't. I drive a Kawasaki Ninja to work, and have a Datsun 280z in the garage being restored. No more service cars. I think I will always have a motorcycle and a sports car, and when my wife finishes nursing school I can't imagine what price tag her tastes will bring, because she has excellent and expensive taste.
With all this humilty that I have displayed, since I have had hip surgery I only wear short pants, and will occasionally go to Hooters or similar venues and have fun with the "older" 22-25 year old waitresses and sometimes I will leave a local "economy supporting tip aiding to their higher education" that used to go to a CO. Sorry Co's, I would rather tip a young women that is nice to me, will bring me a beer without asking, and is seeking the condemned higher educaiton than tipping you. Oh, and I don't put the tip in an envelope with a suck up card either since I never got a part on the assembly or convention anyway.