What the hell was I thinking?! Stupid me!!

by freshstart 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Soldier77

    Yes, what were you thinking?! Just kidding, you were thinking of your son and meant well, no harm done, and it was a learning experience used to your benefit. Right?

    My GF takes her 2 year old daughter to the public pool and they also have a play area on the facility grounds for her to socialize with normal healthy children, not those pesky cult kids. Maybe there is a place similar around you to do that? Or a park that have a lot of kids?

    Might be a great place to meet other parents and build up your friend base, even if it's just at the park. Socializing for you is healthy too.

  • Rocky_Girl
  • Rocky_Girl

    I meet new moms and kids every time I go to the park. Find one in a nice neighborhood and check out different times of the day to see when there is lots of action. I can be shy as well, but I found that most of the time other moms at the park will approach you if their kid is playing with your's. I made a lot of post-JW friends that way. If things aren't great at the first park, pick a different one next time. :) Good luck!

  • harleybear

    my neighbor is a day care provider and is awesome. Try a day care in home situation forjust a day a week. develope playdates if you live in Colorado I can hook you up with this gal she is great.

  • nugget

    your experience is very similar to ours when we were trying to fade but didn't want our children to loose their friends at the hall. We had been irregular at meetings and I went with my daughter one sunday just to maintain contacts. One of her friends was extremely rude saying she was having a sleepover but my daughter wasn't invited because she hadn't been to meetings. She made it very clear that friendship was conditional.

    There are usually pre school groups available, music, swimming, gym etc. Check out what is available in the area as this is a good way to contact other parents and children of a similar age. Build from there with play dates. However children your son's age are happy to play along side other children in a couple of years time he will form friendships properly so you can take your time socialising him. What is important is that he learns how to make friends and find friends who are not conditional.

  • Ding

    Don't beat yourself up over 3 wasted Sundays.

    Some people waste their whole lives.

    If you don't want to try a church, there are plenty of non-religious activities for kids -- sports groups, theater groups, 4H, bowling, music, baseball, chess, whatever...

    If I read your OP right, he isn't even 2 years old yet.


    There are plenty of opportunities.

    He'll have a lot more opportunities to make friends outside the WTS than in.

  • JWdaughter

    I'm with mouthy-Its good you found this out when he is so young. Now he won't have any horrible memories of it cause you will never go back there. Don't worry about what you did-yep, it wasn't one of your brighter moments. Let's blame it on pregnancy hormones, they are used to getting all the blame.

    Preschool, music, baby sports classes, swimming. . .local food festivals and anything you see in the paper at the library or play groups. Just ask the other mom's. There is usually notices in local papers or online sites. Check with your local community center or chamber for any upcoming events. Parents groups (bigger ones) tend to advertise.

    Just take him to the park and play. That is how kids make friends. The best friend of my childhood (whose mom was coincidentally in the org:( ) and I met at saltwater park near the swinger. Yes, way back when I was 3 or so I was a real swinger.:)

    When you get out, you will meet his friends parents too, which will open up your world some-which is a good thing for your babies. I am happy for you with your new young family. I hope you have joy and health and peace and lot and lots of love and fun.

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