Well, the best way to find out would be to experience it yourself...
So ... what happens when we die?
by sacolton 45 Replies latest jw friends
Rinse and repeat...
Hello Renderme
Children do receive a resurrection also, but yes, they too must wait until after the 1,000 years. We were taught that the resurrection of our loved ones take place during the 1,000 years but there is NO Bible support to this. They even use Revelation 20:5 and the parathesis are theirs. Revelation 20:4 describes the "first" resurrection. And then actually says word for word "5. "The rest of the dead do not come to life UNTIL the thousand years were ended."
I know how the WT interpreted this. But it is a lie!! 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17 explains the first resurrection.
"Those that belong to Him that are alive when he returns DO NOT precede (go before) those that have already died that belong to the Christ. Those who are dead in "UNION" with Christ wil rise first. Afterwards, we the living who are surviving will, NOTICE "TOGETHER" with THEM (those who have died in union) will be caught away in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air;
That is when the marriage/feast takes place. Matthew 25
Then starts the 1,000 year reign of kings and priests. Separation of sheep and goats Matthew 25:31-46
Sheep and goats are alive when the master returns but do not take part in the first/better resurrection. They are judged as to whether or not they did good to Christs brothers. Then sheep enter the kingdom.
At the end of this reign is when the general resurrection takes place Rev20:5 & Rev 20:12-15 Notice "the sea and death and hades gave up those dead in THEM and they were judged individually according to their deeds.
I too was raised my whole life inside the WT. I know what they taught, but now Holy Spirit has truly shown me what worshiping in spirit and truth really is! It is truly a kind yoke you would WANT to take and a loving voice you would want to follow.
Love to you
no idea--not tried it
Thanks justmom...do you believe this resurrection is to everlasting life on earth or is it in Heaven? Also, the ones who are resurrected after the 1,000 years...they don't get to learn about God and Jesus? They are just judged on their past life and put to death again? I thought the point of the 1,000 year reign was to teach unbelievers and those that are resurrected about God...that's what I was always told but honestly never really gave it much thought until I lost my son. Now my sister and all her JW friends call me constantly trying to get me to come back to the KH ( I was never baptized but spent my childhood going to KH) The thing is, I am desperate for some comfort in regards to seeing my son again. I can't stand being without him, but much as I want to believe what they tell me, I DO read the Bible and much of what they tell me I just can't find there. I just want the truth. I just want my son.
Thanks for taking the time to explain what you believe.
Aw shucks... dreamgolfer beat me to it. Maybe I could add ... "and other soil microbes".
As bad as I hate to say this, my gut tells me cofty may be right. I don't want it to be that way. I would like to have an afterlife but am not sure there is one. Therefore, I will live this life to the fullest.
I confess to being confused.
Hello again renderme
I am soo sorry about the loss of your son. I can't even imagine as I have three sons of my own.
The Resurrection in Rev 20 11-15 is to the flesh. When it is determined whether they have life (have Christ as their covering) it is then that they inherit the kingdom/ paradise. It is a literal spirtual place. It is NOT physical though. Revelation 21:1-5 talks about it being NEW! Cleansed (by fire) and New jeruselum comes down out of heaven . It is then that Jah can dwell with mankind. They are all spiritual beings. (Jah Christ and Bride) Remember the sheep are told to inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the founding of the world. Where are they to inherit?
Where paradise is!!!(and I know what the WT teaches)
but if you have a large print NW translation read 2Corinthians 12:1-5 and read the footnote to the verses at the bottom. It says paradise/garden of eden. And Paul was talking about a man that was caught away to the third heaven which is paradise/and where the garden of eden resides. So it is litera (real)l but spiritual. Rev22 talks about the tree of life (same one in the garden) and it is in heaven. Rev 19:1 says where the great crowd are......
i understand the wt told us that during the 1,000 yrs resurrected ones can learn and choose who to worship. That is also a lie! I'm sorry to say and there is no biblical support of that.
Hebrews 9:27 says "Men die once for all times, but after this a judgement." which supports Rev 20 as to the dead coming back only once. At the end.
Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages for sin is death. Since we ALL are born in sin that is what we ONLY deserve when we die thanks to adam. But gods gift is everlasting life thanks to His son who bought us out of bondage to sin and death. We cannot redeeem ourselves. We are not owned anything else. It is "undeserved kindness" that he offers us life even again.
But PLEASE understand the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.....Jah of armies is so much more merciful and compassionate than the Jehovah that the WT worships. He shows mercy to whom HE WANTS. And wants ALL to LIVE. When he sees us as his children in pain especially with the loss of a child, he knows how it feels. Trust in His love and mercy to grant life to your son. Continue to pray for our families and children whether they are alive or resting ......awaiting to be resurrected.
may you find comfort
we are here for you
For those who are curious, you could do worse than read "Is There An Afterlife", by David Fontana, he was, until his recent death, a Professor of Psychology in the UK and a member of the Society for Psychical Research.
Thanks again justmom. I will pray on what you have told me. It helps and I do appreciate it.