Is the FDS losing control?

by Hermano 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hermano
    Remember, if there wasn't a problem, they wouldn't be mentioning it

    I'm with your breakfast of champions. They keep beating the obedience drum precisely because they know they are losing control.

  • respectful_observer

    The simple fact of the matter is that “unrest” within the Organization will never change it or lead to its demise.

    Any unrest or thoughts of reform that do exist within the Org only lead to two possible results:

    1. They voice their unrest/reformation ideas and then leave, or

    2. They voice their unrest/reformation ideas and they are kicked out.

    Either way the WTS can continue on as before. It may grow more slowly, or even shrink slightly because of those that leave, but it is simply an impossibility for anyone to try to affect change and do so while remaining part of the Organization. Let’s face it, if members of the GB couldn’t do it, no efforts from the R&F will.

  • LostGeneration

    They are always going to have a percentage that they can't control to the extent they would like. You can tell the areas where they are having trouble by the WT mags, usually the study articles in the kool aid edition.

    The big areas I've noticed in the last few years are women marrying out of the Org, porn, going to college, people not listening to the elders, people talking to DF'd relatives either in person or "social networks" and APOSTASY. They run a risk every time the address APOSTASY directly, as then slumbering JWs can be awakened inadvertantly. They usually address it with more adoration for the "faithful and discreet slave" implying that ANYONE who doesn't follow these seven guys in Brooklyn are in danger of having their necks slit at Armageddon.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Fernando ask: 'what ways have you noticed JWs not obeying what they're told?'

    (1) Many and I mean many a JW elder and ms when they should be setting the example, are not obeying WT when it comes to the amount of time spent with d'fd children and other d'fd family members.

    (2) WT tells servant body to show up on time for meeting for field service. Many show up 10 to 15 minutes late to avoid having to conduct the meeting.

    There are tons of other examples of not obeying on the part of servant body alone, in essence telling WT.... go to hell!

  • Ding

    Unfortunately, a lot of JWs who know something is seriously wrong feel that there's nowhere else to go.

  • Hermano
    The Witnesses I know watch rated R movies, read Twilight and occult novels, as well as play fantasy video games. They attend sporting events, socialize with worldly people about worldly interests, and wear clothes with skulls.
    Then when you mention blood transfusions or holidays, they criticize you for not obeying scripture.

    Give them time okage. It takes time to find yourself when you are oppressed. I say they're on their way....

  • Hermano
    It would take something really big, much bigger than the Candace Conti affair, and much closer to home, to wake up the majority of U.K. JWs.

    Thanks for the feedback, George. I agree the key for many is something that hits close to home. It's one thing to read about abuse and another altogether to experience it first hand, or to have someone close to you experience it.

  • Hermano

    It may grow more slowly, or even shrink slightly because of those that leave

    I would consider that a success respectful_observer. Remember, the JW that leaves may be one of your loved ones. The family that is reunited may be your own.

  • jemba

    Yeah losing control of their bladders. Old bastards.

  • jemba

    The young generations of dubs are no where near as respectful of the rules as past generations.

    They are almost ALL leading double lives to some extent.

    Some may pull up their socks and behave but I see many leaving for more 'selfish' pursuits.

    I think the next decade will see a massive loss in those who are under 25.

    I definetely see shrinkage but I too believe that people like my parents will NEVER leave no matter what.

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