I agree jemba. There are more secretly "fringe" younger dubs now than I've ever seen in my life.
Is the FDS losing control?
by Hermano 39 Replies latest jw friends
They are always going to have a percentage that they can't control to the extent they would like. You can tell the areas where they are having trouble by the WT mags, usually the study articles in the kool aid edition.
The big areas I've noticed in the last few years are women marrying out of the Org, porn, going to college, people not listening to the elders, people talking to DF'd relatives either in person or "social networks" and APOSTASY.
They should be concerned LostGeneration. Is it just me or is meeting attendance and field service participation down?
The JW kids down here are ignoring the "no-college" instructions.
Many and I mean many a JW elder and ms when they should be setting the example, are not obeying WT when it comes to the amount of time spent with d'fd children and other d'fd family members.
(2) WT tells servant body to show up on time for meeting for field service. Many show up 10 to 15 minutes late to avoid having to conduct the meeting.
There are tons of other examples of not obeying on the part of servant body alone, in essence telling WT.... go to hell!And that, is good news, JW GoneBad.
a lot of JWs who know something is seriously wrong feel that there's nowhere else to go.
Agreed, Ding. At least they know something is wrong though. Maybe they'll do some research and find out how much is wrong.
Most of the ones I know did "little things". This meant they would rarely visit a bar (say, once a year or so), listen to the occasional rap song (they have to harp so much on that), and go online (again, they harp on it). I rarely saw any witlesses that were blatantly disobeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger in major things back in 2005. Rarely did they listen to music in the car during field circus (or on the way to or from the boasting sessions) aside Kingdumb sxxx. They always kept their embarrassment badges on while at hotels during Grand Boasting Sessions, dressed to the nines. Granted, there were always plenty of people milling around during the program. And one encouraging thing was the Kingdumb Misery insert about people throwing pails of ice at the motels during the Grand Boasting Session.
Aside the missed boasting sessions and field circus, however, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger seems to have a lock on the congregation. The "brazen conduct" rule (which a hounder can use to disfellowship someone for any reason, after counseling them) is part responsible for this. And there are always those scumbags that insist on following the strictest version of everything, even beyond the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself.
Besides, has anyone checked out the relatively new Boston Movement cult? This, starting in 1978, is at least as bad to even worse than the witlesses.
I agree 100% with what St George said about the situation here in the U.K , and yet there are indications of atitudes changing, just one example, a dear friend who is a born in JW said to my wife the other day "Even if you get DF'd I will still come and see you, and bring my children to see you".
She is a lovely and loving person, but we were surprised that she would defy the GB and its rules just for us, all her family are in, Elders etc, and she always played the game till now.
We were honoured she felt that way, but something has caused her to decide the rules are worth breaking.
Big cracks are appearing in the GB's false Tower.
The biggest mistake they make is demanding loyalty to them, I think a majority of JW's deep down know that is wrong, if they were more subtle and did simply what they often do, shout about loyalty to Big J and equate that with sticking to the JW/WT Org they might not cause so much Cognitive Dissonance.
I think the next decade will see a massive loss in those who are under 25.
I definetely see shrinkage but I too believe that people like my parents will NEVER leave no matter what.
Thanks for your input Jemba. They know they have a problem with their youth. That's why they are directly targetting them now with the new DVD.
The JW kids down here are ignoring the "no-college" instructions.
I agree, snowbird. The more of these stupid rules they come up with, the more cultish they appear. I got a feeling even JWs on the inside are starting to notice the leadership is sounding a bit wacky lately. I'm not saying they're ready for an uprising. I'm just saying they seem to know it's best to ignore some things come from the leaders.
-do not harbor doubts as to whether Jesus is ruling as king of his kingdom
-the Faithful and Discreet Slave gives ample evidence that we are in the last days and that Jesus is ruling as king
The fact that there are these points being stressed at the Dist Conv shows that many are doubting the 1914 BS.
The young generations of dubs are no where near as respectful of the rules as past generations.
They are almost ALL leading double lives to some extent.
I agree with JEMBA, youths are leaving in droves, thus the effort is to involve them more soon. Get dunked sooner. Walk the mics sooner. Appoint as MS sooner.
But still greater evidence of the loss of control over the flock is that NO ONE is living like THE END is near!
See anyone selling their home? NO. Everyone is building new and bigger (if they can in this economy).
See anyone going to work Seldom-Worked Territory? NO. They are on a cruise or going to Hawaii.
See anyone "downsizing" or "simplifying"? YES! But it's because they are out of work. They are just claiming it's to pursue Kingdom Interests.
See any increase in Reg Pios? NO. There are more long time Pios coming off the rolls than new ones going on. Also less Elders, less MS.
The R&F is out of control. No urgency. No zeal.