Does anybody know the JW reasoning why using mind-altering depression and Schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not? Okay I could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the US but what if it were legal? There are lots of health benefits for marijuana. Granted, I don't smoke so I have no stake in the debate but things like Thorazine are mind-altering medication. Why is it okay to use for JW's but marijuana is not?
by MrFreeze 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think you answered your own question, pot is an illegal substance, any pharmaceutical even if it is mind altering is legal. I wonder what the JDubs stand is in California where it is legal.
This shows their indulgence in politics, just the mere fact that what is regulated by man. No regard for the defilement to the body/temple/flesh. Just Hypocrites playing Politics!
Regardless of the legal status, I think they are still against it.
If MJ is so bad why would the US have a patent on it?
No smoking it for sure..... Maybe in pill form,,if it were legal
*cough, cough* ... what?
We aren't as ... ummm .... "accepting" of mental illness symptoms like visual or auditory hallucinations as an indicator of someone being a prophet or a seer than they were in ancient times.
We like our 'whackos' to be on psychotropic meds, ostensibly to help them become functional and productive members of society; however given that sometimes meds create other problems while "fixing" others, I sometimes wonder whether we medicate these folks because it helps us feel more comfortable around them.
People have been using plant-based medicinals for thousands of years. The human race hasn't become extinct because of it.
My take on why the WTS is so restrictive is that they prefer to keep their followers in any kind of pain and as much pain as possible, be it physical, emotional, mental, etc., because they want to be the sole purveyors of hope and happiness. If you can get relief from medicine - regardless of its source - their hold over you is threatened.
I don't believe in myself using these drugs. Even something like alcohol and weed, two of the safest psychiatric drugs, can create problems with your brain and your liver. Not to mention, they can draw in unwanted angels (angels, not Demons). Some people use weed for medicinal purposes, and for them the benefits outweigh the risks. Those using it for recreation need to ask if it's worth the damage to their brains and livers, risk of accidents, and spiritual damage because the filthy angels take advantage of it.
However, these risks are as bad to even worse with psychiatric drugs you get out of the pharmacy. Taking Xanax is as bad at drawing angels as getting drunk, plus it devastates your brain and liver (not to mention it's one of the most addictive substances on the planet, with only heroin and nicotine being worse). Thorazine is the drug the angels love more than all others--taking that sxxx will guarantee your soul to be infested with angels (and, unlike a computer OS infested with viruses and worms, you don't get to reinstall the OS or pull the hard drive and put a fresh one in with a brand new copy of Windows 7). Haldol isn't much better--except for the angels wishing to ruin your life. Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft are all dangerous because they contain fluoride (ruining your pineal gland--sorry, Satan) plus they ruin your brain and liver and attract angels. And they are no more effective than cocaine--nor are they any safer than cocaine.
Unless your last name happens to be Rockefeller (and you stand to benefit from the angels' helping you enslave the world), weed is much better if one must be medicated. I would rather take weed than a drug containing pineal gland damaging fluoride. But, I would rather not use any drugs if I can get away without. That way, the filthy angels don't get any extra help.
Even something like alcohol and weed, two of the safest psychiatric drugs, can create problems with your brain and your liver.
Nope,,, this is DIS-information.
The weed does NOT affect your liver. Do your own research, and check government studies. This is a patent untruth.
And comparing alcohol to weed, is akin to comparing cocaine and chocolate. They are apples and oranges.
Do YOUR OWN research of scientific studies. My doctor told me to medicate with MJ,,, I was against it. After the havoc that pharmaceuticals have wreaked on my body, I can say that personally, MJ has done me a lot of good. I was so against it before, but my own experience of how it has helped my fibromyalgia, after so many years of side effects and having my stomach destroyed by NSAIDS, I now feel with certainty, that the weed has been unjustly demonized.
Before you make a statement based on misinformation, or deny yourself and others the benefits of this healing herb, free yourself from ignorance and do the research of scientific FACT.
* a former hater of MJ Klass *