Governing Body member Garrit Losch speaking today

by sleepercell 28 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Finkelstein

    Who really gives a shit, he's only going to vomit out the same preassigned rhetoric

    that the WTS. publishing cult has been saying for the last 100 years, that mankind

    is living in the last days and if people were wanting to live through its destruction they better

    appease god and obey everything the WTS. tells them including distributing their literature.

    The GB members hold the distinction of being the pivotal controlling part of the lies and corruption

    of this organization.

    Is that something to be idolized or in awe of, I don't think, more shameful and disgusting in my opinion.

  • sleepercell

    SF, I'd rather not say. Know this, in the video "We went to an assembly hall" I know who planted those cards, where they were placed, how they were placed, how they did it without ever being seen..ect This information about Loesch was shared with me earlier today from a source in Huntsville. I was on the phone immediately after being informed. The information was also shared with the apostates on Facebook.

  • sf

    Well, okay then, I'm going to go ahead and give you a thumbs up on this effort.

    Thank you for your contribution.

    Do you see how simple it can be? You and your partner may have just added minutes to a WT childs LIFECLOCK. You get a rose for that.

    Would you please infect others now with the simplicity of what it is to :


    Sincerely, sKally

  • zeb

    I can remember these 'talks you cant miss'. I remember families travelling from one end of my state to the other at great expense to attend. I remember therm being the same old wt blah blah blah . I remember hearing that little children should be paying attention (?) and not on a blanket on the floor with drawing books. and I remember all attendees saying just how wonderful it all was.

    I remember thinking that the 'truth' would advance in bounds the day that all elders (especially all the monastic bethelites)have four offspring each and suficiently spaced so they could not be drilled as a wt platoon.

    Does GL have kids.?

  • zeb

    whats this 'spritual mother'?

    Does a spiritual mother go mute when her children are being sexually or physically abused?

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Gigantadouche twatwaffle LOL!!!!!!!!!

  • dontplaceliterature

    GB or not, they will still be watching the clock praying for his ass to get off stage on time.

  • zeb

    well what did he say?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hi sf,

    We appreciate your passion for wanting to warn families about the dangers of being associated with a cult with warped moral values.

    Two thumbs up for you

    If everyone does a little to help awaken a mind, we can collectively help free a lot of people from watchtower tyranny.

    Peace to all,

    The Oracle

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