Cheery new Awake! cover - should make it easy to place...
by cedars 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is that for real mate?
Sept 2012 - don't they know its only June?
If they are pretending not to be a doomsday cult they are doing a bad job?
Haha, yes it's for real! lol
Does anybody know what Watchtower will go with that Awake?
LOL! That looks a bit like a scene from one of the Terminator films!
Wow, what big balls they have setting it up for the SEPTEMBER issue. Morons. Completely null and void.
Again, wowsers.
sKally...johnnycccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc where art thou?
No fireballs coming from the sky or screaming, terrified people?
The GB is easing up...
Yes, great thinking, WTS! That will bring them in droves...if they attach a date and make it, 2012, this year! or 2014, 100 years from 1914, or hedge their bets and make it 2034, 120 years like Noah got. By 2034, how many of today's GB will be off to rule in heaven? Isn't the youngest Geoff Jackson (1955), he'd be 79 could last another 20 years (Fred Franz died at 99).
Interestingly, the Society refuses to denounce the term "doomsday" as a description of future events.
Note the following quote from pages 3 and 4...
What about the countless books and doomsday Web sites that predict that the world will end on December 21 of this year? One claim is that a supposed planet named Nibiru (or Planet X) is on a collision course with the earth and will reach here in December 2012. This and other theories unsupported by fact have been linked to interpretations of an ancient Maya calendar, which, according to some, ends at the winter solstice of 2012.
Persuaded by similar predictions of disasters, some have built shelters in their backyard or, at considerable expense, have reserved quarters in underground community bunkers. Others have moved to the mountains and have become self-sufficient, living “off the grid,” independent of public utilities, such as water, heat, or electricity. Of course, there are those who will have none of this. They scorn the idea of an imminent end of the world. Scientists at NASA, for example, assert: “Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.”
It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that humanity faces no peril or that only the gullible believe that doomsday is something more than the stuff of fiction and fantasy. Will doomsday really come? If so, how and when?"
Yes, it's official. Jehovah's Witnesses are a doomsday cult, and proud of it!