Make your predictions here.What will happen...

by sleepy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Make your prediction here.

    So what do you think will happen to the society in the next ten years.
    Theres a big prize waiting here for anyone who gets it right. A gaint chocolate cake! Which can only be eaten in ten years time.

    So I make my prediction first.
    1.The society will have had a major doctrine change as to 1914 and 144,000.
    2.Most will leave the org due to disillusionment.
    3.There will be a breakaway group of more fanatical witness they will be the orthodox witnesses.
    There will also be a group of the liberal witnesses but will not last as long while the other group will grow.

    Do I win the cake?

  • gumby

    YOUR WAY OFF!!!!
    I think the society will send a few select men to the next Apostofest. They will sit and listen to all that is said.

    After it is over they will contact the ringleader of this gathering and will say....."you guys did a pretty damn good job here"! Had we not heard any Kingdom Melodies before the program started and no prayer...we would have thought we were at an assembly!!!

    Then they will appoint TR to handle all future activities but will insist we change the name from APOSTOFEST to 'NEW LIGHT ASSEMBLIES'

    Im going to win the cake....I can just feel it!!!

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Questions from Readers. WT 01/01/2010
    Whilst we have in the best interests of pure worship advocated the biblical principle of abstinence for all things unclean, some have asked whether the abstinence from some blood fractions with other fractions being a conscience issue should not also apply to black pudding.

    Now, it is clear that whilst we must never want to "partakers at the table of demons", at the same time spiritual maturity and balance is needed. In light of Jesus' commandment not be straining out the gnat, it would be clearly impractical to try and remove only the objectionable components. Nevertheless, we would still want to show our irrational fear of this product by eating it only under special circumstances:

    First, we should, in honour of our Lord, never eat it on a Friday.

    Second, whilst we cannot extract the [currently] objectionable fractions, we could do this symbolically by slicing it extremely thinly. We suggest that slices should be from 1mm thick, but no more than 5mm, and certainly not a cm or more as they are given to do in the world. Elders of the flock should be consulted by spiritual housewives as to the correct thickness of the sausage slice, and the Faithful Slave are making the loving provision of the blood-sausage slice-measurer to all elders and ministerial servants. Please see the congregation secretary and ask for form 0176589-2786654-985554b.

    Thirdly, it would be inappropriate to consume this most sacred sausage, which reminds us of our Lord’s sacrifice, in the same physical position as our Lord was Crucified. (Yes, apostates had wanted us not to progress in the ever increasing light of Truth by not rejecting that old light about a “torture stake”, but faithful ones had not wavered so close to the end!) We therefore would never eat the sacred slice whilst undergoing crucifiction of any kind, nor indeed whilst undergoing any form of persecution, or indeed pain, including migranes, but excluding ordinary headaches, unless it had begun before 9.30 am (excluding Fridays) and had lasted – without interruption – for at least seven, erm… no, nine hours. If you are not sure please complete form 1787653-6334578-8976628a for more information.

    Lastly dear brothers, whilst we are to let “no man become the master of our faith”, let us remember our new closing Prayer…

    Our Fathers who art in Brooklyn,
    Hallowed be thy nameless’
    Let Your Kingdom Come
    Lets not beat around the bush,
    Is it coming or not?
    Oh please, oh go on, let it come,
    I’m tired and me feet hurt.

    Our Men

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • julien

    my prediction:

    "Business as Usual" indefinitely...

  • proplog2

    1. A nuclear explosion will destroy lower manhattan & Watctower HQ
    2. JW's will realize that this is the "disgusting thing standing where it ought not"
    3. They will realize that Babylon the Great is the USA and that it is time for them to flee before the USA is completely destroyed.
    4. They will flee to Mexico,Central & South America.
    5. Russia will obliterate the USA and Putin will become world dictator.
    6. The word will spread about a wacky religious group that escaped the destruction of the USA.
    7. It will become a popular movement with masses joining.
    8. This will become a challenge to Putins world dictatorship.
    9. Putin will demand that govenrments put an end to JW's.
    10. At that point help comes from the Sky. The mother ship arrives or some other earth saving event.

  • sleepy

    Kingdom ministry 2012.
    Orthodox version.
    New meeting arragements:We now have been blessed with the spiritual provision of 14 meetings a week, 2 meetings each day.
    Also pioneers will be pleased to note that they have the privilage of now doing 200 hours a month.
    Publishers please remmeber to report anyone doing under 50 hours is now considered inactive.

    Kingdom Ministry 2012.
    Liberal version.
    New meeting arrangements: whatever.
    publishers, they print make books don't they?Burp

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi Sleepy

    I think in reality there is a decline happening now...but statistics are being falsly reported. I know that the congregation I used to associate with has already started to reduce in size...and a lot of the teenagers who should have become the next ministerial servants or regular pioneers are slowly dropping away.

    Financially I can see the borg capable of sustaining its existence...however the numbers that make up the congregations will be on the decrease regardless.

    When I think back to when my grandmother first learnt and accepted the teachings all those years was a different message she was taught...and it was a different generation. She was told she would never grow old and die and that she would see her dear loved ones in the resurrection. This was post WWII era and she was recovering from the loss of a lot of loved ones.

    Today...the message to entice bible students is very different...and the new light has replaced a lot of the old 'hopes' that once dominated the congregations. There are a lot of disillusioned ones...but they stay in the borg for the sake of family or because of resistence to change.

    Just my thoughts.


    ps...I'm really only interested in the cake :o)

  • dmouse

    My predictions:

    1914 will definitely have to go, God! That’s another century away already!
    The anointed will also fade away – a new class of ‘Chieftains’ will run the show.
    A new understanding of what is meant by ‘on account of the chosen ones’ – no longer meaning the anointed but all faithful JWs (the end of the world will be postponed yet again).
    The blood issue will become irrelevant as modern technology saves their asses.
    Reporting hours will remain – it’s how they chose the ‘gifts in men’, the more hours you do the more ‘privileges’ you get.
    However, the provision of remaining an active witness will be met by simply ticking a box which says that you have spent an undefined amount of time talking about Jehovah (i.e. to a neighbour) as this will help massage the figures, slowing decline for a while.
    The internet will be heavily demonised, and while it won’t be explicitly banned all JWs will know that browsing the net at home is akin to watching pornography.
    The Awake! Will be incorporated into the Watchtower magazine.
    JW faith schools will start to open to stop pollution of youths by the world.

    Put that cake in the freezer!


  • DazedAndConfused

    My prediction is that within 6 years the Borg will come down. I think it will be near 6 years but much I do not know.

  • Abaddon

    Skillfully citing scriptures such as 'Get out of her...' and 'Be no part of the world...', the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses will reverse their anti-internet policy, but in a cunning way.

    By becoming an ISP, they will secure an income from all subscribers to their service; a blend of heavily monitored and moderated chatrooms, approved scriptual study sites, sites offering additional services, plus a sanitised selection of cable channels (access will be broadband). This service will only work with a heavily modified software package and specific hardware, essentailly being a Network Computer, with no internal stiorage, relying instead on the massive servers at Bethel. The computers, in additon to completely denying any privacy to users, will actually allow such delightful activities as turning on webcams and microphones to monitor subscribers who, due to lack of time spent on scriptual study sites, or inadequate time Witnessing in chatrooms where worldly people go, visits to questionable websites, or failure to attend online meetings, have attracted the attentions of Elders.

    Users will be encouraged to work for the CCoJW, who will act as a glorified employment agency, taking a cut of peoples earnings. Many of these jobs will involve working from home.

    Within a short space of time an ideal Witness will work from home for the CCoJW, order much of their requirements of life online for home delivery, communicate with other followers by video conferencing, attend meetings via video conferencing, Witness and study online, and virtually never have to mix with worldly people or even leave their house.

    This new breed of techno hermits will no longer be disfellowshipped if they break rules. They will be disconnected, and be even more out of water than people who have been disfellowshipped in the past, being reduced to reclusive techno-hermits (which will be seen as a modern day interpretation of the remnant with a few doctrinal changes)with no idea of how to cope in the outside world. Changes of doctrine will be more subtle, as the history will be on Bethels servers, and changable without trace. World events will all be viewed through the CCoJW's perspective on their own news services.

    George Orwell's 1984 will be very very banned...

    Apostates will try to break through the firewalls of Bethel and plant data on the servers...

    Young Witnesses will spend their entire youth, looking out of windows at kids playing, whilst they hit the next button at suffciently frequent intervals to avoid suspicion, exchanging answers to written reviews with other witnesses, and trying to hack through the security measures into the real Internet, rather than the sanitised version everyone except elders get...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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