If a nuke hits Washington, will your life change?

by Mindchild 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    As you may or may not know, the Bush Administration has set up a shadow government in the USA, with its memebers already securely located in underground bunkers and now we are learning that Washington DC is being surrounded radiation and gamma ray detectors which would tip off the Delta forces on standby that a nuclear weapon had been brought into the area. The government concedes that they do expect a possible nuclear strike by terrorists.

    While it may not come from Ben Ladin, there are other countries who appear to have made more progress in securing nuclear weapons by either buying them illegally or making their own. The really bad news is that they also have much more of an incentive now to use them against the USA as our government has launched a war against their countries (i.e. the war against terrorism).

    Anyway, nobody is certain if it will or will not happen but I was wondering what kind of effect do you think it would have on this country and on you personally if a nuke does get detonated and say kills 100,000 people or so.

    Do you think we would have a repeat of the behavior that was typical in the 9/11 terrorist attacks? Namely, that people would stop working, and remain home glued to their TV sets; that they would be even more fearful of traveling; and they would become even more patriotic and give a blank check to the government to do whatever it wants to get revenge?

    If so, do you think we would nuke Iran, Iraq, and anyone else we didn't like or do you think it would be just a continuation of the current strategy?

    I personally feel that if such an event happened here, our government would slaughter millions with nuclear weapons for revenge, regardless of their guilt or innocence.

    Please tell me if I'm wrong.


  • LDH


    Nice topic.

    We'd go to DefCon 1 if we even thought this was a possibility.

    I'm sure the country would immediately be under Marshall Law, for better or worse.

    I can't imagine this country not taking out every government that even WINKS at a terrorist the wrong way.

    The draft would be activated.

    EVERYTHING would change. A mind-blowing scenario.

    Nothing but death will stop the lunatics. Perhaps we should 'accidentally' drop a bomb on Guantanamo Bay Cuba?


  • ThiChi

    No Washington DC = no more IRS = Freedom

  • JT

    would life change- well for me it would i work right downtown DC


  • SixofNine
    I personally feel that if such an event happened here, our government would slaughter millions with nuclear weapons for revenge, regardless of their guilt or innocence.

    I agree with every bit of that sentence except for the "for revenge" part. At that point, I'm not sure revenge would factor into the equation at all.

  • Amazing

    Hi Mindchild;

    I personally feel that if such an event happened here, our government would slaughter millions with nuclear weapons for revenge, regardless of their guilt or innocence.

    I agree with the comment by SixofNine. That is why I fully support the USA and the UK going into Iraq to shut down his government, and take control of and destroy Hussein's nuclear, chemical and biologial weapons factories. Hopefully, this step along with nailing a few other radical and irresponsible nations that are developing nuclear capability will pre-empt a nuclear strike on western nations, or the White House.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    MindChild, FDR once said, "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

    May I suggest you click into Franklin D. Roosevelt, Yalta Agreement, Council of Foreign Relations and the Committee of 300 on your search engine.

    Guest 77

  • BluesBrother

    "I personally feel that if such an event happened here, our government would slaughter millions with nuclear weapons for revenge, regardless of their guilt or innocence."

    Sadly, you are right. The rest of the world can only look on while you take action ,even today.
    The example of Israel vs. Palestine proves that the policy does not work

  • borgfree


    It seems that a nuke attack is a real possibility. I think there would be a counter-strike with nukes, if the US could determine that a country was harboring the terrorists who were responsible for such an attack. In any case the world would be in for some really bad times.

    Just wondering, (I am sure it has already been a topic here before, but I didn't see it) is it possible that NY could fit the bible description of babylon the great? and that the smoke rising from "her" could be a nuclear attack on NY?


    "True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others" Queen Elizabeth II
  • proplog2

    I believe that it is more likely that a nuclear device will explode in NYC. It would do more far reaching damage there. If a nuclear device went off in Washington it would do mostly symbolic damage.

    The nuclear device that is probably already in place in NYC will be Putin's project. He's good at setting off bombs to make things work his way. (Keep your eyes open for a documentary on the Moscow Bombings of 1999 being put together by Berezovsky)

    It will be blamed on terrorists even if it is proven that it is a Russian nuke. The Russian's will just claim that its been soooo hard to keep track of their nukes and one happened to fall into terrorist hands. Imagine the opportunity Russia has of inflicting massive damage on their biggest competitor for world power and not even having to take the blame.

    How will my life be different? I will wait until the World-Wide Brotherhood of JW's finally figure out that Babylon the Great is not false religion but that it is the USA. I will be part of the mass exodous of JW's who will go to live with their brothers south of the border. From a safe distance I will watch the final and complete destruction of the USA.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have built an organization that is ideally suited to survive such a world cataclysm. The Mormons have a pretty strong organization too but unfortunately they will sit on their sacred ground in Utah and go up in flames with the rest of the country.

    There IS a reward for those who shed nationalism.

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