Sparlock has a different name in some other languages

by cedars 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars


    How about "Sparlock just sounds unusual, or means something weird

    Not in my local language. However, I will admit that I came across as rather unequivocal on this in my OP, even though it's maybe not something I feel quite so much conviction about as I conveyed. However, there is very little I would put beyond the Society when it comes to how cunning they can be. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the post-production work on my local language version coincided with the online backlash over Sparlock, and they changed his name here as a result. I've noticed that my country quite often gets similar releases "late in the day" in comparison with other countries, so it's certainly plausible.


  • Zico

    I assumed they came up with the name sparlock by mixing spell and warlock, so this name wouldn't make sense in another language. Have they done a similar thing with the name in your language Cedars?

  • MidwichCuckoo

    It's weird that they would bother changing the name (as you say, 'Sparlock' itself is pretty 'language-free'). According to the Norwegian article, the WT spokesman seems unconcerned that it's being spread on the internet - in fact, doesn't he say it is available to the general public..?

    I'd be interested to know what the name is in other languages, because 'Sparlock' triggers the word 'warlock' (in fact, 'fighting wizard') I doubt that is random.

  • cedars

    It's a COMPLETELY different name in my local language version, but as I said before, I'm slightly paranoid about giving the name in case it pins down my location.

    I was kind of hoping someone in a non-English speaking country like mine where the name has also been changed would have jumped on by now to verify my story! I hope someone will before long. If not, I will probably relent and post a brief video clip of Sparlock's new name.


  • MidwichCuckoo
    It's a COMPLETELY different name in my local language version

    That's what I meant Cedars - there would be no need for a completely different name IF it is just a name. I'm intrigued if the 'new name' has a specific trigger in another language (hope I'm making sense)

  • Kudra

    I am pretty sure they would change the name because for [whatever] language there would be other more wizardy-sounding names than "sparlock".

    Like in Spanish, a dog goes "gua gua" instead of "woof woof" -there are just other sounds/names that invoke similar things for other language groups.

    Likewise I am sure there are other words that invoke Satan-y wizard-y visions...

    Nothing more than that. I am sure the soundtracks to the the WT video were already made before folks on JWN started flaming the name Sparlock.

  • cedars

    Ah yes, the connotations! No, the new name carries no "magical" connotations in our local language to my knowledge.


  • MidwichCuckoo
    Ah yes, the connotations! No, the new name carries no "magical" connotations in our local language to my knowledge.

    You are such a TEASE, lol

  • AnnOMaly

    Not everything the WT does or doesn't do is part of a master plot to confound the machinations of a vast apostate army.

    Agreed, sir82. Besides which, these foreign language DVDs would have been finished months/weeks in advance. I really don't think they'd go into a last minute crazy panic to change the voice-overs just so that some small JW population in an insignificant country (according to cedars) won't Google 'Sparlock'!

    It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the post-production work on my local language version coincided with the online backlash over Sparlock, and they changed his name here as a result. I've noticed that my country quite often gets similar releases "late in the day" in comparison with other countries, so it's certainly plausible.

    Naahh. Don't fall into the same trap JWs do, cedars, in thinking everything is about them - that they are the focus of the universe's attention. It's more likely that 'Sparlock' doesn't sound right in your country's language. Does the alternate name denote anything or is it just a made-up, nonsense word?

  • Chariklo

    I am very intrigued indeed to know about the new name, Cedars.

    I agree with AnnOmaly and sr82, above. I'll keep an eye on this thread for developments! I do actually think you must be right....they are trying to defuse the furore over Sparlock and confuse these annoying apostates by introducing a name that won't be searched for.

    We have ways of finding out, surely?!

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