Okay... enough. I'll leave the Board. Tonight. This will be my last post. Before I leave, though, just know... indeed, I WANT you to know:
It's okay for you "flies" to attack (and yes, I called you flies, although you have absolutely no idea why... and/or what a "fly" is, I am sure, but if you think on it, you just might "get" it. ). Attacking me is expected; it's part of the torture pole I agreed to carry. It's not okay for you flies to attack others because of me... or in relation to me. And I am not going to let you do it, not in order to stay on this Board. It's just not worth it to me. So, sing, dance, grin... whatever you need to do: I am done.
As always, though, you never fail to astonish me. Now, that you've now chosen to go after dear tec (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!) but not all of the others who agree with her as to what took place here... YOUR hypocrisy cannot be covered. Shame on you, each one of you who have done so/are doing so. You are... and I am going to say it... and dear tec, there is NO reason for you to "correct" me here... despicable. Utterly. You are self-centered... mean... and vindictive. I've never "known" anyone like you... except Jehovah's Witnesses. Given their cult indoctrination, I am not surprised that some "Mormonism" cult-action may be at play here, as well.
There is no need for ANYONE to respond/comment... although I KNOW you flies won't be able to hold your tongues.
Tonight, my sweetie Li-Li got out... and I haven't seen her for hours. But I have much, much more regard for her than for you flies. And she's a dog. I will not apologize for that... because you've shown yourselves for what you truly are and I am utterly disgusted. I don't care if you gasp. I don't care if you moan. I don't care if you are offended. I don't care if your feelings are hurt. Truly... I... do... not.
Not one of you flies are worth MY eternal life, though, and for the sake of that... and so that perhaps you will feel regret as to how you've chosen to treat another simply because they don't agree with you... while you sit on your own buttocks and agree with those others don't agree with... I will take my leave.
And there is no need to tell dear tec... or anyone else to disagree or take issue with me; I won't read it. You are hateful, spiteful, and dark. Again, I don't care if you gasp, or rip your garments, or throw ashes in the air... weep... or gnash your teeth. Please... by, all means... do so. Gnash them down to the very bone. It won't matter because you won't be able to eat anyway. And know that every utterance of peace I ever wished for any one of you flies, ANY one of you... I receive back to myself. 100%.
I leave you to my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... and to his Father and mine, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. May they both have mercy on you. And may they work on MY heart... because I wouldn't have it on a single one of you.
A slave of Christ,
SA, who understands the redeeming properties of his blood... and will call on him and it with ALL of might tonight... for mercy and forgiveness... because I simply cannot raise one iota of love for any one of you flies any longer... because you have literally broken my heart...