How do I hear/feel God?

by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    doinmypart - don't feel bad about not hearing or feeling god. Congratulate yourself on your ability to retain your honesty and critical thinking skills.

    I was an evangelical for 9 years and was surrounded by people who boasted about their experiences with god like Shelby does.

    It all comes down to self-delusion and group-think. Concentrate on facts and evidence - feelings are not a reliable guide to truth.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    AGuest > Thank you for that. I like the illustration.

  • xchange

    Indian Larry > Actually, Finklestein's was better.

  • InterestedOne

    No objective evidence exists to demonstrate that anyone has heard or felt God. Although people claim to hear and feel God, they cannot demonstrate that they what they hear and feel is in fact God.

  • Nice_Dream

    I'm currently reading "How God Changes Your Brain" by Andrew Newberg, and it mentions how different parts of the brain are responsible for the different experiences people have about God. The temporal lobes enables some people to experience hearing God. Others can experience an emotional connection, while others do not experience anything.

    Meditation or prayer can have a positive affect on the brain, whether one is spiritual or not.

    If you're open to the idea of spirituality or God, I would keep exploring. I don't really believe there is a God, but I can still experience peace when reading the Bible, listening to certain music, or being in nature. Sometimes I would say I feel connected to God, but it is more of a connection with realizing I'm part of the Universe.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Same way you feel/hear:


    Santa Clause



    Peter Griffin


    Because god(s) are just like the above examples. ALL fictional characters that don't exist.....Except maybe Bigfoot.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Xchange> I will have to give you that one. Back in my high school days I was a pretty heavy smoker myself. I quit school and quit smoking pot. Then about 5 years later took it up again. I even took it with me to an assembly. I can give you a good tip of what NOT to do in the parking lot of a motel near an assembly.

    I was leaned over rolling a joint below the level of the dash figuring no one could see. I did not take into account the bigmouth "sister" that was on the balcony above where my car was parked. Ended up before it was over with me and 16 of my friends all in committee meetings. My committee came back as DF but I appealed and got PR ont he appeal.

    Anyway, that was long ago. All I am saying is that some of these comments, if seen by the wrong person, would reinforce exactly what the GB is saying. In otherwords we make them look right when we do this. You know how some CO's, DO, and especially JF Rutherford and Russell not to mention Fred Franz and Losch have done so much damage to the organization because they have diareaa of the the mouth? I just worry about doing that from the other direction. I would hope this forum can help pull as many as possible away from the BORG, but new visitors who Witness are witnesses do come on this site, perhaps trying to find out more about Candice Conti for instance.

    When they do, it is my hope that the thread they choose to read does not have a comment like: "God touched my penis"

    It just seems antiproductive.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Indian Larry, that's a valid observation and there have been times I felt the exact same way about specific threads/posts JWN. In fact, you could probably find a post similar to yours above, earlier in my posting history. But, alas, as Obi-Wan would say, "He's more machine now than man. His mind is twisted and evil." That's me. 'cept the machine part....

    I think my growing cynicism comes from one too many attempts to use reason and logic with JW family, to no avail. Nothing. On top of that, I'm subjected to the great Southern Baptist majority in my community. (I live on the buckle of the Bible Belt.) Pressure builds... sometimes this site serves as a release for my frustration.

    Here, I have the chance to say what I think and feel with all the irreverence I believe a subject deserves. That's immature and selfish of me, I know. But years of reading and hearing all the anecdotal testimony about what it "feels like" to receive holy spirit or what god sounds like..... I see my experience as no less plausible than anyone else's. And so sarcasm/mockery, while probably not winning any believer points, is how I rebut assertions that aren't based on logic or evidence in the first place.

    Perhaps if I spewed my distaste for theism in members-only threads, I could have my cake and eat it, too. I can't make any guarantees, but I'll try to consider that in the future... I also realize I should've let doinmypart get some feedback from believers before I jumped in with my satire. Apologies to DMP.

    Also, I appreciate the polite manner in which you brought this to my attention, Larry.

  • jamesmahon

    Indian Larry

    I sympathise with your point and have often thought whether some of the discussion here would scare some lurkers off. But then do you think they are going to be less scared off by people declaring that Jesus speaks to them and tells them the bible is a load of rubbish? Just a thought. I have changed my mind on the scaring people off argument. If people having a laugh when they are debating with each other or even engaging in heated debate scares them off then they are not ready to leave. What they will find if they keep digging is a community that is divided but together. We are an eclectic bunch and I think the best way to get those who are ready leave to make that final step is to show them what a colourful, scary and challenging bunch we are. If you are not prepared to get shot down in flames, dust yourself off and fight your corner then you are not ready to leave.

  • justmom

    Dear InterestedOne

    You said, "Although people claim to hear and feel God, they cannot DEMONSTRATE that what they hear/feel is in fact God."

    That is NOT so!

    "By their fruits you will recognize them" Isn't this demonstrattion?

    If one is demonstrating/practicing.....

    Love, kindness, mercy, joy, peace, long-suffering, forgiveness, compassion, pity, faith, mildness, self-control is hearing/feeling God

    They may not be hearing it inside loud enough to put faith in it, but they are hearing. If they continually ASK, SEEK, KNOCK and go through the DOOR (Christ) in FAITH that voice will get louder.


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