The Governing Body will consist of dam filthy Apes.
There will be a shortage of brothers to marry, for those faithful sisters, so Cloning will now be accepted from baptized brothers.
CO's will have a 401 K plan (age factor getting closer to retirement)
Anyone playing hooky on family worship night will be disassociated.
Downsizing of branches
Sisters will be allowed to wear pant slits near the ankle Leulemon allowed.
Bible studies can be conducted by texting someone on your smart pnone....demonstrations on Service Meeting to be a reality
Baptism is allowed for children in Kindergarden...if kids are toilet trained, they are responsible to make those important decisions.
Another change in the generation theory
Microphone carriers will be retired, and replaced with robots....that will become vicious and turn against mankind.
There will be a societies week course for trustees, to really drill the point about paying the society.
Pioneers will rebelled about the cost of living and camp outside the existing branches and protest.