Are Jehovahs Witnesses the biggest set of miserable bastards known to man?
by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends
No. Atheists are.
Name 3 Taliban comedians
Broken Promises
What about the English?
Ever had an Englishperson on holiday with you? All they do is whinge whinge whinge.
i LOVE that designs! is that original? because i do some comedy now and would love to use that
and i was on the same page....sadly there are worse ones....even hassidic jews are more hardcore and a few other small goups but the extreme islamic....and i mean even saudia arabia is mind numbing....women not even driving and body parts being cut off and...OMG i just realized MORMONS are WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY worse just for not allowing coffee, tea or booze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............oompa
oompa- Feel free to use as necessary
Doppelganger: A JW kid in white short-sleeve shirt and tie with ID badge/Moron kid in white short-sleeve shirt and tie with ID badge _____________
I need a good finish for this one....
There are a hellofa lot of miserable people in the world, not just 'em....all religionists?
As a religion, the witlesses rank right up there. They have hang-ups with every holiday, they have too many rules regarding the opposite sex, and you are never doing enough. The Muslims, as bad as they are, aren't quite that bad--at least they have their holidays.
Are you kidding?
JWs are the happiest people on earth...
If they aren't, they get DFd!
Witness My Fury
Only apostates are miserable, I read it in a Watchtower so it must be true.
Funny thing is I've never been happier than after gaining my mental freedom by exiting the JWs....Things that make you go hmmmm.