Are Jehovahs Witnesses the biggest set of miserable bastards known to man?

by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • brizzzy

    Happy, non-miserable atheist here. I've got to go with "Scientologists" for $800, Alex. Those freaks make the JWs look mild. They're dangerous STALKERS.

  • Dagney

    They are getting grumpier by the minute. They really are.

    "Armageddon! Get here already!!!!!!!!! I want my tiger! Faster!!"

  • LostGeneration

    I reserve the label "bastard" for individuals.

    Labelling all members of a particular religion, race, social class, etc does nothing for your arguments.

    These are the kind of posts that scare active JWs away when they stumble upon this site.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Jambon1: As a whole, no, I don't think so. Many JWs are miserable because they suspect that something is wrong but won't leave for all sorts of personal reasons. But I wouldn't call them "bastards" even though many of them would call me that for speaking up for what I believe is wrong-doing in the religion.

    For the most part, I believe it's JW leaders, past and present, by their actions of supporting harmful rules (policies) that injure the flock that fit your most descriptive term, whether they were and are WT presidents, directors, elders, or ministerial servants.

    Just my opinion and I have lots of them!


  • DesirousOfChange


    There are the 535 members of Congress.

    I don't care which party you favor.


    Worry about re-election over the health of the nation.


  • MrFreeze

    What is the opposite of happifying? Is it sadifying?

  • james_woods

    Saddification is the state of being saddified.

    It is unfortunate to be saddified, but it is not unlucky.

  • Scott77

    I think, some JWs are nice people not because of being JW made them like that but they were already nice before joining the JW religion. They are are innnocent only that, the WTS has mislead them like we were before coming out. To me, their criminal leaders are exactly like your topic on this thread, that is "Are Jehovahs Witnesses the biggest set of miserable bastards known to man?


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hyperbole much?


  • puffthedragon

    I told a JW friend that I was happier now than I ever was as a JW. His reply? "You must be getting laid" I reminded him that there are also great drugs out there! He doesn't talk to me so much anymore, can't figure out why...

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