I'm guessing that Jesus couldn't care less if people wear jeans and the ladies wear pants to church. And Jesus asked for his murderers to be forgiven. If you think churches are dying, you haven't been to Grand Rapids lately.
Churches are dying
by StopTheTears 29 Replies latest jw friends
Judas ... went to Hell
How do you know this? Is it impossible for God to have mercy on one whose sin played a pivotal role in the salvation saga? Were Judas' flinging the silver back at the Pharisees and his own tragic death not clear signs of repentance?
Jesus offered salvation to all: adulterers, condemned criminals, even tax collectors!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I blame it all on pants.
So you walk around in a robe similar to what Jesus did, do you? Or do you think that early 20th century fashion is more pleasing to God than 21st century fashion?
Is the music you listen to of 1st century Jewish origins? Or do you think that 20th century music is more pleasing to God than 21st century music?
Your comments embody the term "generation gap", and in reality have no grounding in logic.
NIV is bad is it? Look at the history of the Bible Canon, and you will realise that the concept of a correct Bible is meaningless.
God hates denim. Everyone knows that. Satan invented rock---even Christian rock. DUH! That's like, holyroller 101.
And the bible was only meant to be read in its native languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Archaic English. You know, like the King James Version. Going beyond this is quite evil. Remember the warning about not changing a word.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
If the King James Version was good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for YOU!
I find it amusing that you include a picture of Jesus with a hairstyle that imitates the long hair of the pagan gods of the time, rather than the shorter Jewish hairstyle that he would have had.
My grandmother told me years ago, (55yrs. ago) why she
stop attending the Baptist Church. She told me it
was blasphemy the direction the church was going.
The music (Gospel), sinful. It sound like the music they
sing in the nite clubs.
Just think, If my grandmother was A live today and the
music that is played, the band, the dancing she would
think Satan had taken over.
How is changing what people wear at church going to solve anything? The internet is the new church and you have made a mockery of it with your original post.