Of course, freedom means a lot of different things to many different people. However- to the WT society it means controlling it's JW members through fear and guilt to promote a " conditional " freedom - which turns out to not be freedom at all - just a manipulated socially restricted condition in which Jehovah's Witnesses are caged animals waiting for the next bit of " spiritual " food to be thrown to them by WT articles like this.
At the start of this article on pg. 7 in paragraph 1 it states that due to lawlessness, none of us have freedom to roam around at night, there are alarms, security systems - so the WT society infers we are all living in fear. In paragraph 14 the WT states essentially that no " WORLDLY " or non-Witnesses are to be trusted , it states, " Those who are enthralled by the world's spirit and who indulge their fleshly desires may THINK they are free. The reality, however , is quite the opposite. Mountains of rules and regulations are necessary to curb their hurtful appetites and behavior. " Translation : Most non-Witnesses attracted to the world are dangerous and are not free ! Once again the use of fear by the WT society to cast a huge negative shadow on non-Witness individuals.
Then in order to try proving a person is allegedly " free " in a JW congregation it states in paragraph 15 , " When you began associating with the Christian congregation , you did not join some sort of social club. Rather , you came into the congregation because Jehovah drew you. ( Pretty creepy ) It continues, " What moved Him to do so ? Did he see a righteous, God-fearing person ? " Not at all ! " you may say . He saw a heart that would be receptive to his liberating law, a heart that would SUBMIT to His kind influence. " Translation : You mean submit to the WT society's influence ? And remember it's NOT A SOCIAL CLUB !
So right in the next paragraph after playing with JW's minds that it's not a " social club " - see how the WT society manipulates Witnesses to trust members of the congregation ANYWAY ! It states, " Consider this : When you are in the company of those who love Jehovah with all their heart, do you feel afraid ? Do you find yourself constantly looking over your shoulder ? While engaging in conversation at the Kingdom Hall, do you keep a firm grip on your belongings lest they disappear ? " ( Yeah, like your children that brother perv child molester has been stalking ? Or someone you feel is your friend has been gossipping about you behind your back, perhaps ratting you out to elders ? ) It continues, " On the contrary ! You feel at ease and free. Would you feel that way at a secular event ? Not likely ! " My thoughts are - I don't know about you folks but I felt like I was ALWAYS being watched and judged in the JW congregations ! I felt VERY unsafe and not in a good, comfortable place , everyone was suscpicious of each other - something called " collective paranoia and fear ".
Then in the next article on " Freedom " on pg. 13 curiously the WT society after saying JW's should TRUST one another- then cause distrust by saying not everyone in the congregation can be trusted ! On pg. 13 , paragraph 4 it states, " Sadly, on occasion negative peer influence can also come from WITHIN the Christian congregation . " I have known some young ones who dated nonbelievers, " said a Witness youth. " Eventually , though, it struck me that the more I hung around with them, the more I was becoming like them. My spirituality began to suffer. I was not enjoying the spiritual food at the meetings, and I barely went out in service. This was my signal to CUT OFF THOSE ASSOCIATES, and I did ! " Are you aware of the power that your associates can have on you ? " Sigh. Translation : WT society is creating fear and guilt into anyone who associates with other JW's who might negatively affect an active JW's meeting attendance, service, or habits. So cut em' off they say ? I thought that the WT society just told hem in another paragraph that JW's can be trusted in the Kingdom hall ?? People- This is the penultimate mind fuc& designed to cause JW's to be fearful and insecure indeed. If the WT society can keep JW's confused , needy, and fearful - they keep them under control and subservient.
Then in paragraph 8 on pg. 14 it describes young people who committed immorality and they described feeling " deep feelings of guilt and remorse that surfaced for many years. " Others stating " that immorality had a mentally, spiritually, and emotionally devastating effect on me " . Then in paragraph 16 on pg. 16 the WT society further inflicts " guilty " feelings on Witnesses making them feel 1 inch tall by stating, " Realize that your enemies are not just Satan, the world, and it's poisonous spirit. You also have to contend with your own imperfections, including a treacherous heart. " Translation : All of you rank & file Witnesses are imperfect pond scum , you CANNOT trust yourself, your heart , Satan will grab you and inject a poisonous spirit into you !!!!! You are very, very imperfect and low in God's eyes. Dirty Bastards ! O.K. This is such fear and guilt mongering garbage- I think it goes without saying.
So then, in finishing , after knocking all the JW's down several pegs by telling them how guilty and sinful they are , notice how they try to build them up as if on a roller coaster in paragraph 17 ! It states, " At times, we all make mistakes. When that occurs , do NOT feel worthless or overly discouraged. If you stumble, so to speak, get up and move forward - even if that means asking the local elders for help . " ( Why ? So I get kicked in the gut and gonads again ? ) It continues, " Their prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Uh-huh. Translation : So I have to go through the elders who kicked me when I was down to get forgiveness from God , or more correctly, forgiveness from a billion $$$ WT society corporation who will deem me as " forgiven " or " righteous " . Yeah, right. No thanks, I'll pass. I think I'm good already in my own skin thank you very much !
So which " freedoms " do you folks cherish ? I do feel sorry for the rank & file JW's who are being flung up and down like a bully kid rolling a yo-yo up and down. Is it any wonder many JW's feel they are in need of anti-depressants or are stressed ? Jeez. As always I'd love to hear your takes on this manipulative, controlling information- and how desperate and how far will the WT society go to control these people ? Something worth considering. I look forward to your comments and thoughts ! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper