Folks here all have one thing in common: they are somehow associated with JWs, either were one, are married to one, have a relative who is one, has a romantic interest in one, are are currently one. Perhaps you are not one, but something about JWs bugs you enough to have found this forum, and read it and contribute to it. What brought you here? I'm very curious.
For me, I can't get too detailed since I need to maintain some semblance of anonymity. However, what brought me here is the fact that I exist in a completely incompatible marriage where my wife and I don't see eye to eye on anything at all. Haven't for years. A miserable existence. Both of us want a divorce, but because of the religion, we can't / won't. I have researched the topic of divorce to the extreme and have been disgusted with the phrase "unscriptural divorce" and the three supposed things that you can get separated for, willful non-support, extreme physical abuse and absolute spiritual endangerment, none of which are support by any scripture. To me, the height of going beyond what is written. I have shared this with my wife, but she still won't budge. The reality is that the scriptures do indeed allow for divorce for any reason at all, as long as one remains unmarried (unless the divorce is on the ground of fornication). It is true that Jehovah hates a divorcing, but divorce is not listed among the things that one would prevent one from inheriting the Kingdom.
It is on this topic that I set out to find out what other scholars said about the topic and the particular scriptural passages (Matt 19 and 1 Cor 7). I found this site during that period of research. Wow, was I surprised by what I read! Of course, the "apostate" flag was raised immediately, but I decided to start verifying things myself, something I have never done because I was raised to believe this way, and never did question it (after all, why would my seemingly intelligent parents believe this way if it wasn't the truth?)
I'm curious: What brought you here? How did you find this site? Was there something in particular that made you start looking outside the WTS publications? Something must have started it for you. What was it?