he have to catch me fust!
Jesus is going to kill you.....when he come back!
by trailerfitter 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks for your posts, means alot to me. I am seperated from my wife and the reason is because of the Watchtower fanatisism. She is not allowed to take him to the Kingdom Hall, I will not allow this and this actually give myself and son quality time together without her around. However instead of studying things like the English Language she's indoctrinating him slowly. The aim must be to later lead him to the Kingdumb hall?
Can you imagine when I asked him if he he enjoyed the bible he said yes,...theres lots of killing in it. We talked about Abraham and (g)od telling him to kill his son. We hit home base and was afraid of this idea that a father would put (g)od over his sons life. I reassured him that I will never listen to sillyness like that and he is the most improtant person above any imposter.
JWs are teaching her to be a liar but a self deluded one at that.....She doesn't understand the impact contradiction has on a rational person.
She has been quoted the "a wife should be exemplary and show her husband the real quality of a believer" however she refused to listen because it was sent to me by what she refers to as apostates. Imagine that, a quote from the bible that she is prepared to ignore?
Anyway, it has been a frantic afternoon thinking of remarks about Jesus. We already joke about Jesus being a "zombie" so this will be built upon. Now is the time start to get him to understand that threats are from bullies and bullies should be warned off. If I can I will try to get him to understand that god said "thou shalt not kill" so Jesus is being naughty by threatening to kill people. Very complicated but perhaps there is a lot of milage about this to get him to understand that we have secular laws that are dealt with by the police and the prison system. I have told him that I am not afraid of Jesus and if he does try to kill me I'll cut his head off!
Why are the Watchtower still allowed to teach and practice these sorts of teaching? Surely by now there must be some sort of law to prevent constant adjustment of the truth by twisting biblical prophesies. The whole issue is a damned nightmare. Agree with the WT or not they still insist on bringing everyone into their dramas and serverly interupting their lives. Damn the watchtower. Where is that David who can bring down that Goliath of a hypocrytical cult?
There should be a law!
When my mother was studying with the sisters, my dad was against it.
The sisters told my mother that "don't worry jehovah has ways of removing him"
My little sister hearing this, was only 8 years old!
Nasty little cult!
Well that is exactly accurate, according to JW's. Your wife saying he misunderstood is BS, because he understood completely. Your wife believes that Jesus will slaughter you when he comes back. What your son did NOT understand, cuz he's preciously innocent and direct, is that he is supposed to embed that notion in a lot of candy coated words to soften the message. Kids don't do that. I really like kids for that. And mom is uncomfortable that her own message was fed back to her straight without a mixer.
Just understand that your wife will not give up efforts to indoctrinate your son. She will look for every opportunity and take advantage of it. Her hope is definitely that as he grows older he will 'make the truth his own'. We used to have demonstrations showing how believing spouses worked over mandate from the UBM to indoctrinate their children. Then the adult child would be there, smiling, (the last one was an elder) everyone would clap and shed tears. SEE? It works! You can successfully indoctrinate your child even in a divided home!
And think about that term---DIVIDED home. They use it all the time. The language should be a clue. When one is a JW and the other is not, the home is DIVIDED. Really?
Do your best to counter all she lays on him. Talk, talk, talk. Don't waste energy trying to make her stop---it won't happen. Use your energy talking to your son.
King Solomon
This is exactly what happens to ALL children who are raised as JWs where one of the spouses (their parents) is an unbeliever: the implications are that they will die in Armageddon if they don't ship up before A-Day hits. Whether a single child is told this individually is irrelevant: kids can read between the lines, and the policy of JWs is that ALL non-believers will die forever at Ima Gettin' Outta Here. It's the very reason they go door-to-door, to warn others.
As a kid, I remember my sister of about 8 y.o. absolutely CRYING her eyes out over the fact that her unbelieving Daddy (whom she loved very much, just as any daughter looks up to her Daddy in a special way does) was destined to be killed, as he didn't want to become a JW after one of many conversion attempts by all four of his kids (I was the youngest, so kinda watched: it's kind of hard to come up with very persuasive arguments when you're a 6 y.o.!).
I remember her telling him, "but Daddy, I don't want you to die!" (she was always very emotional, and still is a JW). He wasn't aware of the theology or reason behind why she was crying (and probably still isn't, to this day), and sort of poo-poohed her emotional display, saying, "I'm not going to die...." He knew he WASN'T going to die at Armageddon, since he knew it was non-sense.
So YES, a death threat made to one's parents, however veiled, diffuse, or excused it may be (their response is, "but it's not US saying it, it's what the BIBLE teaches us...") is tantamount to emotional abuse of a child.
But fact is, I'm actually GLAD I was exposed to the JWs, as I learned things from them that I wouldn't have learned anywhere else, eg ability to stand up in public and speak, knock on stranger's doors, love of reading which lead to academic success, the rudiments (note I said "rudiments" of critical thinking: you outgrow it rather quickly), plus the courage to stand up against peer pressure (eg not saluting the flag), exposure to the Bible, etc. So it's not ALL bad, but it needs to be countered with exposure to "worldly" beliefs, too.
And whether he recognizes it or not at this point, YOU are the life-line to his future freedom, happiness and success, as my non-believing father was to me: if not for his input, I never would've had the opportunity to make my own way in this "Worldly" World, and find a life that I never could've dreamed of, if I took the JW path. So remember that YOUR influence will be critically-important: teach that kid to think critically, and the problem will take care of itself.... I feel sorry for kids where BOTH parents are JWs: those poor suckers don't stand a chance....
I remember my friend's daughters. She was divorced, but their father was a JW. He got DF'd, and they would lay awake crying for hours because their father was going to die. Yeah---that's very damaging. The one child has an anxiety order today.
That Jesus sure sounds like a nice guy, a bit like Stalin or Hitler.
Probably had TRIX for breakfast, way to much sugar.
Friday my son went to a Church of England church down the road from his school to join in the "last day" presentation. ( no not that sort of last days). You'd know in an instant who did not attend becuase it was held in a church? My son is happy to have support and was even happier when he turned around to see me standing there supporting him. Well, his mother has an affiction and perhaps an allergy to stepping inside a religious building. Me being an atheist I couldn't care less. She went to a congress instead. not bothering to spend the time listening to her some reading out whathe had written before a crowd in the church.. Ironicly that assembly was not a religious service.... Dunno if JWs will burst into flames if the step inside a church???
Yep, anyway she got beck from a 3 day weekend with the JWs and she was sooooooooooooo full of it i almost puked on the spot. I took charge of my son over the weekend and even when she phoned to find out how things were getting on, she was made awre that he was missing her. The cold reply was "that it's okay I am not coming home because I am enjoying myself". When she did arrive she started the discussion about the new videos she had brought recently. Yes one of them was the Become friends with Jhoover. I wasn't surprised to listen as she slithered he way around the subject and pretended she didin't know what the content of the DVD was. half the world knows who the purple wisard is..
. Apparently, according to her the content and narrative of the story is just to get kids on thre right track. Really?.. We got back to the subject of indoctrination... When I read the words. "Come and join us" as the 3rd chapter of the DVD there is no doubt that the intension is recruitment. DVD has now gone missing. I am so very tired of the JWs. they will not let rest and steal time. Neither do I want to talk about the friggin' JW bible nor do I want to hear about the prophesies.
I'd decided to try to make our marrage work though, and remembering what her friends said about making her a better wife, well its like getting a downgrade. and restricted licence. We did talk about moving back in together but after she started on her pious monologing I thought it would be better to leave and remove the small ball of puke that had accumulated in my mouth over the thought of having to listen to that crap often.
Dude, I gotta warn you - it's no avail to work the wife, I was raised in a "divided house" - i am 53 years old now, it won't work. No way no how.
So hard so you can develope a great relationship with your son, take him places, be the FUN parent, when he is of the age to decide who he wants to live with - it WILL BE YOU! That will save him from this "kwap".
I dont' know where I read it but I like the quote someone made on here -
"Jehovah will not make you serve him, it's totally up to you, he doesn't force anyone...but he'll KILL YOU if you don't" How much sense does that make?
I feel your Puke reflex, deal with the little lad for a few more years, be his buddy, he will be yours forever! NEver talk bad about his mum, just be a great dad. You can do it .